That was before Peanut Butter Kitkats.... I love and adore Peanut Butter Kitkats... they are officially one of my food weaknesses...
When I was shopping a couple of weeks ago, I figured, well, maybe it's time to actually give peanut butter a try... it's possible my pallet has matured and it may just be something I will quite like... I like peanuts... so why not...
So I got one small jar of Kraft Peanut Butter... smooth... what could it hurt?
Since I started walking I've also been "avoiding" traditional bread in favour of Mountain Bread and Pita, but I thought that peanut butter needed actual bread, so I picked some up from Baker's Delight yesterday.
I'm also having some bread issues too, but I can't decide what all that's about... this is the second time it's happened, the other week I bought a different kind of bread to make bruschetta... and after two slices I just felt nauseous... and the same think happened when I had a tomato sandwich yesterday for dinner... not a nice feeling at all... maybe it's the combination of bread and tomato... who knows...
But back to the peanut butter...
I was going to try a slice of bread with some peanut butter on it last night, but when I was about to slap some together I looked at the clock and realised it was 8:30pm... food cutoff time... so I just muttered to myself and figured I would try it on some toast this morning...
You can put peanut butter on toast right? There's no law against that, right? Having never eaten it, I really have no idea.
I did learn that it may have been a mistake...
Anyway, while I was making the toast I tried a little peanut butter... and guess what... it just tastes like peanuts... I don't really know WHAT I was expecting... but somehow my brain hadn't really registered the fact it was going to taste, well, just like mushed up peanuts...
I didn't think it was too bad though... not great, not "Oh God get me a spoon and let me eat the whole jar"... but it wasn't totally disgusting or anything...
Then I put it on toast... I should have realised it would, for want of a better word, melt....
Melted peanut butter... kinda gross...
I made it through half a piece of toast... the rest of it went in the trash. And the peanut butter... I'm giving the rest of the jar to my mother, I know she likes it...
Current Mood:

Try peanut butter AND condensed milk. The sweetness somehow makes the peanut butter taste better. But don't blame me if you throw up after taking a bit. :P
Er... no... I'll think I'll pass... my Mum does make this kickass caramel slice thing that involves peanut butter (and possibly condensed milk now that I think about it), so I'll just stick to that and Kitkats :P
I did wonder briefly about mixing peanut butter and Nutella though... ;)
You are insane, INSANE I TELLS YA! We LOVE us some peanut butter. Dammit, we will lick peanut butter off anything, ANYTHING.
When I was a kid, my mom used to make me peanut butter & jelly tortilla wraps. I'm sure that peanut butter & pita bread can't be too bad!
Electro: You can keep your PB... I'll keep my Vegemite (http://www.vegemite.com.au/) and we'll all be happy :P
Joseph: Now that I actually know what peanut butter tastes like, the whole concept of mixing it with jam (or jelly as you lot like to call it) is a whole new level of ewwwwwwwwwww!
Yep, vegemite rocks the most!!!! :D
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