
my peanut butter experience

not for me thanks...For as long as I can remember I've turned my nose up at peanut butter... I don't even know how it started, but it's never been a food that I've had any interest in. On occasions the smell of it has even made me gag... so all in all, you wouldn't think it would be on my list of things to try...

That was before Peanut Butter Kitkats.... I love and adore Peanut Butter Kitkats... they are officially one of my food weaknesses...

When I was shopping a couple of weeks ago, I figured, well, maybe it's time to actually give peanut butter a try... it's possible my pallet has matured and it may just be something I will quite like... I like peanuts... so why not...

So I got one small jar of Kraft Peanut Butter... smooth... what could it hurt?

Since I started walking I've also been "avoiding" traditional bread in favour of Mountain Bread and Pita, but I thought that peanut butter needed actual bread, so I picked some up from Baker's Delight yesterday.

I'm also having some bread issues too, but I can't decide what all that's about... this is the second time it's happened, the other week I bought a different kind of bread to make bruschetta... and after two slices I just felt nauseous... and the same think happened when I had a tomato sandwich yesterday for dinner... not a nice feeling at all... maybe it's the combination of bread and tomato... who knows...

But back to the peanut butter...

I was going to try a slice of bread with some peanut butter on it last night, but when I was about to slap some together I looked at the clock and realised it was 8:30pm... food cutoff time... so I just muttered to myself and figured I would try it on some toast this morning...

You can put peanut butter on toast right? There's no law against that, right? Having never eaten it, I really have no idea.

I did learn that it may have been a mistake...

Anyway, while I was making the toast I tried a little peanut butter... and guess what... it just tastes like peanuts... I don't really know WHAT I was expecting... but somehow my brain hadn't really registered the fact it was going to taste, well, just like mushed up peanuts...

I didn't think it was too bad though... not great, not "Oh God get me a spoon and let me eat the whole jar"... but it wasn't totally disgusting or anything...

Then I put it on toast... I should have realised it would, for want of a better word, melt....

Melted peanut butter... kinda gross...

I made it through half a piece of toast... the rest of it went in the trash. And the peanut butter... I'm giving the rest of the jar to my mother, I know she likes it...

Current Mood: yuk


Sunshine said...

Try peanut butter AND condensed milk. The sweetness somehow makes the peanut butter taste better. But don't blame me if you throw up after taking a bit. :P

yani said...

Er... no... I'll think I'll pass... my Mum does make this kickass caramel slice thing that involves peanut butter (and possibly condensed milk now that I think about it), so I'll just stick to that and Kitkats :P

I did wonder briefly about mixing peanut butter and Nutella though... ;)

Anonymous said...

You are insane, INSANE I TELLS YA! We LOVE us some peanut butter. Dammit, we will lick peanut butter off anything, ANYTHING.

Joseph said...

When I was a kid, my mom used to make me peanut butter & jelly tortilla wraps. I'm sure that peanut butter & pita bread can't be too bad!

yani said...

Electro: You can keep your PB... I'll keep my Vegemite ( and we'll all be happy :P

Joseph: Now that I actually know what peanut butter tastes like, the whole concept of mixing it with jam (or jelly as you lot like to call it) is a whole new level of ewwwwwwwwwww!

Sunshine said...

Yep, vegemite rocks the most!!!! :D