Of course, at this portion of the year the vast amount of retail purchases disappear into that bottomless pit known as "For Christmas"... which is fine... I'd rather have the Xmas present version of J-Lo's bootay, than say, Kate Moss's... that possibly came out wrong... but it sounded okay in my head...
We mostly did a light food shop thing... I'm still technically living on Freezer Leftovers... I know I said that last week too, but I didn't do so well at it, since out of five possible days, I only had things out of the freezer on two occasions. I'll do better this week, promise... then maybe I'll actually have room to put things in my freezer again.
One thing I did notice while we were out today was Spray On Salad Dressing... yep, I kid you not... salad dressing in a pump pack, so you can just spritz the salad with it. I ask you!
Anyway, once we'd done the shopping thing we went into town.
Ma was on her semi-biannual hunt for a new handbag (which usually takes forever to get her make a decision)... although after you've been in every possible handbag shop looking at a lot of VERY, VERY ugly handbags, you loose the will to live, let alone give good fashion/accessories advice (I know, bad gay son!). Although obviously the Handbag Faeries were smiling down on us both today... they were having a sale at some handbag place (which we've looked in many, many, many, many times before) and there was a really nice black and white number with far too many external pockets for about half price. And they also had two little tiny cute bags that will do nicely for my cousin's girls at Christmas.
Then it was off to Borders, supposedly to look at some cheap DVDs... and again they'd sold out of the title I wanted (I have no luck with that store and DVDs... honestly)... but we kind of got waylayed by the "3 for 2" books at the entrance... and six books later (is it my fault they had all four of the books thus far in the Obernewtyn Chronicles, which have been on the list for a while)... the only one that escaped the "For Christmas" thing was a book I've never actually heard of before, The Last Book You Read and Other Stories (short stories, obviously)... which we weren't sure about, but when we went and sat in the cafe and started reading the titular story to each other (Ma started, but kept tripping over words, so I took over) we were both cracking up, so knew we had to get the book. We did look at a copy of Stardust, but I'd forgotten to print out the 25% off voucher before we went into town, and I think we ended up spending more than enough money.
I did happen to notice while we were in the Mall that Lush is finally coming to Adelaide (a fact that I'm sure will delight some people and horrify others)... nice to know that we're only, what, seventeen years behind the rest of the country/world! Whether I'll be a Lush Fanatic or have Lush Aversion remains to be seen...
We also stopped off at Amart All Sports to take a look at some of the cross trainers they had advertised since my current walking shoes are in the process of starting to give off their death rattle... and I have to say that I love those shoe/sports stores... the staff are always overly eager to help you, and most of the boys are just plain old smokin hot... case in point was one tiny pocket guy who just needed to come over and offer me assistance then walk away from me over and over and over... the ARSE on the boy! Like two cling peaches in tracksuit pants! Holy Mary, mother of God! Ahem... where was I... oh, yeah, shoes...
Ended up finding a pair, not the pair I kind of originally went in there for, or the other really cute pair of Nikes (since they only had selected sizes, being clearance lines and all), but a pair of New Balance (which is what I thought my current shoes were... but they're actually Reeboks... who knew). Plus we picked up a bunch of pairs of their "cheap" Puma socks, since we got a few pairs when Ma bought her shoes (which I can't find a mention of anywhere in the blog... so maybe I didn't actually blog about it) and they're some lush socks (not Lush socks, obviously... but lush).
We also stopped off at Planet Party (for no other reason than the exit to Amart was right near it)... and because they had Charlie and the Chocolate Factory playing on their big screen in there I found myself singing along while wandering around... and I didn't even realise I was doing it until one of the girlies in there said something about "you've obviously seen this movie a few times"... hehehe... oops!
Then it was a final stop at Starbucks... and let me just say, for the record... their Green Tea Latte... SCARY! Imagine blending up Kermit, then adding milk, and you're somewhere close. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't the best taste sensation ever... plus, pale green... a little disturbing.
Of course the day would have been a little nicer if it hadn't been mostly grey and chilly... especially after the brief taste of summer we got earlier in the week.
Now I just need to work out what to do with the rest of my night since there's no more Doctor Who for a while...
Current Mood:

A day out shopping is always a great day and is never wasted - no wonder they call it retail therapy.
But no more Doctor Who until 2009 or 2010 is too much to bare.
Did it say when Lush was opening??? Was it a storefront? I'm so excited. They were here at Westfield Marion when they remodled the centre back in 96 but only stayed 3 years then left. I had a friend who worked on the level above and they used to get headaches all day from the overpowering smell a floor below!
Earwig: Actually I don't think we have to wait that long... from what I understand they're doing season 4, and then I think David T is going to take a break. So we may just have one year without it rather than two.
Liz: Mid October according to the website. It's on the ground floor at the front of the Myer Centre, where, I think, the Tie Rack place used to be. And I didn't know we'd ever had a Lush!?
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