I'd had a quick conversation with Raury on Friday night... he's in town for his latest round of chemo and wanted to catch up, and I said I'd be free in the afternoon (not being completely sure what my plans for the morning actually WERE at that stage).
I got up pretty early (not quite as early as usual, but then it's Saturday and I don't have to go out for my walk.... but enough to catch the beginning of Kim Possible, my Saturday morning guilty pleasure) and after vegetating for about half an hour, started cleaning my house
This mostly consisted of doing the (large amount of) dirty dishes loitering in my sink, and generally getting the place looking tidy. I tend to potter around when I clean up, little bit here, little bit there, let the dishes soak, get distracted, go back and finish the three jobs that I finished halfway before I started a new job, etc.
By the time I'd finished all that, showered and dressed, Mum had finished up at the hairdressers and had come down to my place. As usual I gave her my critique of her hair (usually the fagola who does her hair does a pretty good cut, but can't do decent streaks in her hair to save his big gay life, this time being no exception (either they're too dark, as they were this time, or just the wrong colour)... but also he went a little too hard with both the cut AND the product afterwards... so needing a slap), and after having one of those conversations Mum and I have which pretty much is easily distracted and occasionally gets us no closer to a decision than when we started, we decided to go and do one last ditch effort and finding her an outfit for this wedding she has to go to.
We did some other random shopping first, then went down to, of all places, Arndale, which is where we usually go to the movies, but it just one of those Poor White (and not so White) Trash shopping malls, and I was kind of dubious that we would find anything.
How wrong was I! We actually ended up finding one possible outfit (which they didn't have in the right size or colour) at one place, and then when we went somewhere else, we found this cute gauzy (and see-through) top that was kind of like a much cheaper version of the very gorgeous and very expensive top we both fell in love with during our expedition last week.
Because we bought all the accessories last week, we kind of had to retrofit this new outfit we were looking at for them, since it needed another top under it, but they had a shoestring tanktop in that same kind of green as all the stuff she'd already bought, so that was all good.
Anyway, we left Arndale, and I called Raury to see where he was, and we swung through town and went to pick him up, mostly so Mum could see him with his very short hair and just say hi. She left after we got back to my place and Raury and I just kind of hung out and did what we always do/did... sit around and talk crap.
We ended up putting xXx on since we were trying to remember whether or not Asia Argento had a tattoo on her back... I'm not even sure now how the hell we ended up talking about her... probably because xXx had been on the night before. We talked most of the way through xXx, then caught the end of some godawful movie, before half watching The Mummy and about half of Iron Chef.
When The Mummy was done I drove him out to where he was staying and then puttered back home pretty much on autopilot, getting back about 11:30pm (and realising when I walked back into my apartment and looked at the clock in the microwave that I hadn't put the clock in the car an hour forward). It was a nice drive though, the hot weather of the day had morphed into that warm but very windy kind of night, and it was fun just puttering along in the car.
So yeah... it doesn't sound like a lot, but it just felt like a very long day... possibly because it's been a while since I've been WITH people for that much of the day... I don't know... it was good, but long.
Current Mood:

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