
monday musings

christmas in the city 2005It's going to be another of those weeks this week... I can just tell...

Ma is working in town all week, nothing to do with her course thing... she did tell me why, but it escapes me right at this moment. Because of that I'm playing Taxiboy again, but all this week, rather than just two days.

That means that I'm getting up to do my walk at 6:30am, which is kind of nice, getting it out of the way early... but by the end of the week, may be a killer.

It wasn't helped this morning by the fact that I just couldn't fall asleep last night. I don't know if that was the inordinate amount of Famers Union Iced Coffee I had yesterday, or if it was just my mind mulling over things or what random fluctuation of the universe it was, but it was kind of annoying.

I think I'm getting to that "zen" stage of my morning walk, where it isn't really registering in my brain any more, I just go out, and my mind shuffles to auto, and I do it. Okay, maybe that only works when I think back about it afterwards, rather than during the actual walk itself... but I kind of remember getting into the same zone when I used to walk into work/town... because it was the same thing all the time, my mind would do other things.

I'm not completely sure where I'm going with this train of thought... I think part of it is because I'm in the thick of reading my old gym journals... which has been kind of interesting... and once I'm done I will definately have to put my thoughts together about them... there was so much stuff that I'd forgotten, and while some of the memories are kind of bittersweet, they're all definately interesting.

Anyway... I noticed some Christmas decorations that had been put out over the weekend during my walk this morning, so I will have to try and get some shots of them, possibly to save up for when there's more for a "Christmas in North Adelaide" style montage grid, or something...

While I was on the way back from dropping Ma in town (and, as an aside... this whole "early morning city traffic driving" thing is just going to annoy me after a few days, well, probably by tomorrow actually)... I messaged my old boss to find out about the morning tea for V, my former work-girly, who is leaving for a protracted world tour (England for 9 months, followed by France, Spain, Italy, then America.... you take out Spain, and that is pretty much my wishlist for destinations... bitch!). I only found out it was happening by accident when I called up my old team while I was in the building on Thursday to tell them off about something.

So anyway, to make a long story only slightly less long... I hauled ass into town to say bon voyage to V, and to basically make with the small talk with the former crew...

I know I've said if before, but I do miss (some of) them... but looking at them now, I don't know that I would want to go back... it's kind of like seeing a former friend... you remember that it was fun, and why it was fun, but you know it's never going to be like that again... I mean it's been nearly a year... and I know how different it was during the year I WAS there... the whole dynamic changed monumentally (not to mention a change of five different staff members... not bad for a team that was three people when I arrived, and four people when I left). Having said that, it was nice to see them again in a purely social capacity.

I was mostly Avoido-boy on the whole topic of what I'm doing, how I'm doing... all that stuff... not a place I really wanted to visit...

Anyway, it was kind of interesting to see all the Christmas decorations up in town too... it fills me with that sense of impending dread that Christmas is just around the corner and I'm not in the least bit prepared for it...

Where was I... oh, yeah... decorations... I'm sure they weren't up when I was in town on Thursday... although they could have been... I don't know that I got close enough to the Mall to see...

The shot heading this post isn't great, I really should have grabbed a couple of shots when I was on my way to see the former crew, rather than when I was on my way back to the car... the hour and a half made all the difference, I'm pretty sure the rim lighting on them was prettier earlier, but I was running slightly late, and didn't want to take the time to stop.

Kate DeAraugoHmmm... I just got distracted by the very end of this season of Australian Idol... I haven't watched the show since the first year it was on, but I tend to end up tuning in for the finale, just to see who's going to be rammed down my throat for the next three months... and it's going to be Kate DeAraugo... whoopee-do....

The thing that always strikes me is that for the three years Idol has been running here, the "winner's single" has always been a ballad... I don't know if that's common to Idol's all over the world... but I'm not a huge fan of (those kinds of) ballads at the best of times... wouldn't it be better to have the Idol come onto the scene with a big, bold, kickass number that the winner can really belt out and have some fun with? Or does their market-research department tell them that 12-15yo girls prefer ballads?

It's interesting actually... I'm trying to track down who wrote the song, and I can't find it anywhere... I'm wondering if the same person or people are responsible for all three winners singles, but somehow I kind of doubt it.

Oh, I tell a lie.... finally found it on the Sony Music website... "Written by a knockout team including Lindy Robbins (Backstreet Boys), Jess Cates (Backstreet Boys), Dave Bassett (Gin Blossoms, Lisa Loeb)". Hmmm... you would think they could write a kickass song between them, wouldn't you...

Although the phrase "a knockout team including..." really doesn't fill me with a great sense of confidence...

Anyway... I've been blathering on long enough now...

Current Mood: sleepy


Sunshine said...

The runnerups are always the REAL idols ... the winners just get sympathy votes because they are underdogs. But musically, the runnerups are always the one with THE voice. Well, that's my opinion anyway :)

yani said...

Well you were right once out of three... last year Anthony Callea (aka Satan's Peanut Shelf) was definately the better vocalist... beyond that... ummm... really can't agree with you :P

Arrggghhhh... just realise I'm having a discussion about the quality of Australian Idol contestants... *goes to brain self with large blunt object*

Sunshine said...

Glad to have tricked you. LOL. :P