Ma is doing her course in town again today and tomorrow, which means I get to be Taxiboy... it also means that for the next two days I'm doing my walk an hour earlier...
That was interesting in and of itself... the sun is kinda up, just enough to be in my eyes on most of the eastward legs of the journey (ie about half of the walk)... there are actually more people (other walkers mostly) around, but other than that, it was all pretty much the same. It felt odd to be setting the alarm to go out walking, but it's a good practice-run for Thursday when I'm working in town and was going to have to do that anyway.
So I got home from my walk (to find that I'd only hit the snooze button on my alarm, rather than switching it off, and the thing had been going off for an hour since I left), showered, dressed, and was ready for Ma when she got here at about 8:15am. I drove her into town, then swung past McDonalds on the return trip to get a Sausage and Egg McMuffin and an Iced Coffee. I don't think I will be doing that again tomorrow... I had a similar reaction to the one I've been having with bread... not sure if that was the muffin, or the fact that that was probably more fat in one food item than I've really had in over a month (17.5 grams of fat according to the McDonald's website... *urgh*... they have this whole scary thing where you can work out how much "stuff" is in your meal... not even going to look at stuff I have eaten in the past... too scary).
Anyway, after getting distracted by amateur and cowboy porn, I checked my blogroll and then took myself off to the shops to pick up some bits and pieces to make dinner tonight and tomorrow night. There was these great recipies in the paper on Sunday, one for Fish Tikka Kebabs and one for a Spanish Onion and Tomato Salsa to go with it (that's tonight... and curried sausages for tomorrow).

Now never in my young life have I even heard of rice syrup... I figured it must have been something sweet (hence the syrup part) to cut the sourness of the vinegar in the salsa... I even asked at the supermarket, and the woman looked at me like I'd asked her if I could pee on the frozen foods... okay, not EXACTLY like that... but she just looked mystified, as did the woman she in turn asked.
When I got home I googled it, and yeah, I was right, it's basically a sweetener, and had there been a health food store where I was shopping I might have stood a chance of finding it... or alternatively if I had just googled it BEFORE I left the house... *rolls eyes*.
Anyway... I swapped the fish for chicken, and tweaked the salsa a little bit (using honey instead of the syrup)... it's all "developing flavour" in the fridge as we speak... I used a little too much lemon juice in the tikka, but other than that it all looks good (I just went to give it all a stir again, and it's coming along nicely).
I'll let you know how it works out...
LATER: It was all really nice... the chicken was a tiny bit overcooked (my fault) and possibly a little too lemony (also my fault) and I did end up with four yellow fingers (the tumeric's fault) from threading the chicken on skewers... I had intended on taking a photo of it when it was all finished, but obviously I forgot...
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