

The infamous 7 Things Meme... last seen at The Other Andrew... I think I'm possibly the last person on the planet who hasn't done it... so....

7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

  1. Visit America, Paris, Venice and London
  2. Take the "perfect photo"
  3. Find the "perfect job"
  4. Move to the "perfect apartment"
  5. Swim with the dolphins
  6. Be part of the audience for Oprah
  7. See Michelangelo's David in person
7 Things I Can Do

  1. Draw up your astrology chart
  2. Touch type without looking at the keyboard
  3. Make a mean Tuna Mornay
  4. French kiss really well
  5. Give you an opinion on most topics except sport or politics
  6. Make you laugh
  7. Find the perfect birthday/Christmas gift
7 Things I Can't Do

  1. Reverse parallel park
  2. Math in my head
  3. Get pierced without scarring
  4. Whistle using two fingers
  5. Make friends easily
  6. Forget the past
  7. Knit
7 Things That Attract Me To Guys

  1. Well shaped hands and fingers
  2. A twisted sense of humour
  3. Intelligence and/or wisdom
  4. Personal style
  5. Interesting tattoos in interesting places
  6. That curve between a guy's back and his butt
  7. A beautiful face
7 Things I Say Most Often

  1. For f***'s sake!
  2. Riiiiiiiiiight
  3. Let's not and say we didn't
  4. This would differ from normally, how, exactly?
  5. Cheers
  6. Could he be any gayer?
  7. Long story, mostly dull
7 Celebrity Crushes

  1. Joss Whedon
  2. John Malkovich
  3. Brad Pitt
  4. Nate Berkus
  5. Jesse McCartney
  6. Johan Paulik
  7. Oprah Winfrey
Current Mood: undecided


The Other Andrew said...


I read your 'Things I Can Do' numbers #3 - #7, and now I think I want to date you! :-) Not sure if tuna mornay and french kissing is a great combination though...

yani said...

You silly man... :P

ghostlight said...

hmmm. . .French kisses really well. . .now that's a thought. And I can always teach you to knit. LOL

Anonymous said...

I live in Chicago, so if you make it to see Oprah, I can help you find the place. It's right across the street from one of the talent agencies I travel to for auditions.
re: attract me to guys - the eyes usually do it for me first, and if that's your eye at your "about me", you have a beautiful eye...

yani said...

Yep, that's my eye... it's a little touched up in Photoshop... but it's still my eye...

And I already have a plan for where I want to stay when I finally make it to Chicago... but for that you will have to stay tuned :P