7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
- Visit America, Paris, Venice and London
- Take the "perfect photo"
- Find the "perfect job"
- Move to the "perfect apartment"
- Swim with the dolphins
- Be part of the audience for Oprah
- See Michelangelo's David in person
- Draw up your astrology chart
- Touch type without looking at the keyboard
- Make a mean Tuna Mornay
- French kiss really well
- Give you an opinion on most topics except sport or politics
- Make you laugh
- Find the perfect birthday/Christmas gift
- Reverse parallel park
- Math in my head
- Get pierced without scarring
- Whistle using two fingers
- Make friends easily
- Forget the past
- Knit
- Well shaped hands and fingers
- A twisted sense of humour
- Intelligence and/or wisdom
- Personal style
- Interesting tattoos in interesting places
- That curve between a guy's back and his butt
- A beautiful face
- For f***'s sake!
- Riiiiiiiiiight
- Let's not and say we didn't
- This would differ from normally, how, exactly?
- Cheers
- Could he be any gayer?
- Long story, mostly dull
Current Mood:

I read your 'Things I Can Do' numbers #3 - #7, and now I think I want to date you! :-) Not sure if tuna mornay and french kissing is a great combination though...
You silly man... :P
hmmm. . .French kisses really well. . .now that's a thought. And I can always teach you to knit. LOL
I live in Chicago, so if you make it to see Oprah, I can help you find the place. It's right across the street from one of the talent agencies I travel to for auditions.
re: attract me to guys - the eyes usually do it for me first, and if that's your eye at your "about me", you have a beautiful eye...
Yep, that's my eye... it's a little touched up in Photoshop... but it's still my eye...
And I already have a plan for where I want to stay when I finally make it to Chicago... but for that you will have to stay tuned :P
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