After I got the message from Raury the other day, I did end up texting him back... and we played SMS tag for a while, he was up at the snow, and said he would touch base when he was in Adelaide. And I was right about him having been sick... pretty sick actually... he has lymphoma... which is never good.
He messaged me tonight asking what I was up to, and since my only plans were to stay in and watch teevee, I ended up going out to meet him for a coffee... which turned out to be a hot chocolate, but I'll get to that in a minute.
Now, the thing about Raury is, he has hair... I don't mean "Gorillas in the Mist fullbody" hairy, but most of the time I've known him he's had a ponytail and a goatee... so it threw me for a loop to pick him up in the car and him to be as bald as a badger... I mean, the full monty... nada. Very, very weird indeed. It took me about five minutes to get past it... just weird...
We went to this little place in one of the sidestreets in the city, called Chocolate Bean (they supposedly have a website, but the URL doesn't work), which serves, among other things, a range of hot chocolates and mochas... I had the Mint Mocha... very, very nice! The cute waiter boy wasn't bad either.
So Raury told me his tale of his ongoing battle with lymphoma, which pretty much made anything I had to add to the conversation much less interesting by comparison... it did make me glad I was wearing my Livestrong bracelet though... not completely sure why... it just did...
It was just like old times really... we talked crap upstairs in this ginchy little cafe, it was all pretty fun... then when we eventually came down and were about to leave, we ended up chatting to the owner girl for ages (Raury is having a vague thing... which is fine, since I saw some photos of her partner, and I'm quite content to split them between us *evil grin*).
The one downside was coming back to the car and finding a pretty little ticket attached to the windscreen wiper...
Stop in Taxi Zone... $48.00
RUDE! Its not even like there were any fricken taxi's IN the zone... just my crappily parked little car.
Raury's here until Sunday, but it sounds like he's pretty booked up, between ongoing scans and medical appointments and catching up with various people... so I probably won't see him again this visit. I need to remember to ask what made him think to message me... I'd meant to ask, but forgot.
So, now its off to bed, since I have a day at work tomorrow... joy of joys... unfortunately, its the place I've worked before that drives me nuts, so that should be fun... not. At least its work though.
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