
just plain nasty

Broccoli Casserole, Smoked Salmon Paté, Turkey & Gravy, Corn on the Cob, and Pecan PieI didn't quite believe this article when I saw it in the paper today...

"Forget slaving over a hot stove, fishing out the giblets and peeling vegies - this year's Christmas dinner is coming out of a soft drink bottle."

I was like "What?!"...

It goes on to say...

"Topping the menu is a delicate smoked salmon pate drink, preparing the palate for soft drinks flavoured with turkey and gravy or a dull green liquid masquerading as brussle sprouts."

Brussle sprout soda? Are you kidding me?

Unfortunately they were 100% serious... the folks at the Jones Soda Company have come up with two different drink packs to celebrate the festive season... both sounding fine if they were actual food, but just nasty as sodas (a shame really, because I like their packaging ideas, the photo labels and the quotes on the caps)...

You can choose from Brussels Sprout with Prosciutto, Cranberry Sauce, Turkey & Gravy, Wild Herb Stuffing, and Pumpkin Pie (available all across America in Target stores, in case you were wondering).... or Broccoli Casserole, Smoked Salmon Paté, Turkey & Gravy, Corn on the Cob, and Pecan Pie (available in other selected locations).

That's just not right...

Current Mood: that's nasty