
the abc's of me

Stolen from Larry the Love Lemming... and The Other Andrew did his spin on it too...
  • A is for age... 31... also for ankh, my second tattoo
  • B is for Buffy... one of my all-time favourite teevee shows (see also Lost, House and the original CSI)
  • C is for chocolate... in all it's forms... except white... which isn't really even chocolate anyway... and tastes gross!
  • D is for Daewoo Lanos... my ride...
  • E is for Eh Frajunde... an all purpose swearword I made up
  • F is for fleur-di-lis.. my first tattoo... covered by my second tattoo...
  • G is for glasses... which I wear... for shortsightedness
  • H is for Heath Ledger... I once said I would watch him walking up and down on an otherwise blank screen for two hours... and also for all the other Hollywood Hotnesses...
  • I is for Indian food... my favourite...
  • J is for Triple J... my radio station of choice...
  • K is for karma, especially instant karma... when you say something nasty to someone and five seconds later smack your knee into a piece of furniture...
  • L is for Laurell K. Hamilton... one of my favourite authors
  • M is for masturbation... as Larry says about porn... "Come on people. I'm 31 and I've never been in a serious relationship. I gotta have something..."
  • N is for Neon Christmas Tree... I got it the other day... it's tacky, stands 32cm high, is really really bright and only cost $10, but I like it
  • O is for Online Services... the place I used to work... of course that was before they changed both it's name and it's location in the building...
  • P is for photography... which I'm good at and enjoy... also for porn (see also Masturbation)
  • Q is for queer... also for queen... (see also Me)
  • R is for redheads... one of my weaknesses.... also Random Hotness
  • S is for Stephen, the only guy I ever dated... it lasted a month
  • T is for Thursday... the day I was born... and supposedly "Thursday's child has far to go"...
  • U is for uncut aka uncircumcised (or intact... but that doesn't start with a U)... how penises were meant to be... not that I have a problem with the ones who already are circumcised... just the barbaric practice itself...
  • V is for Vincent... my middle name... also my maternal grandfather's middle name...
  • W is for walking... which I blog about often
  • X is for x-rays... my back, my left arm, my right shoulder and my left knee...
  • Y is for yaniboy... which is me... always lowercase too...
  • Z is for zodiac... I'm a Pisces... and also for Zodiak, which I used to sign a lot of my art projects and stuff with in highschool...
Current Mood: oh, we're going to talk about me again, are we? goody.


Sunshine said...

Man, what are you sitting there for - go out on a date!! *smack* :P

yani said...

Not sure if that's the M or the S that you're slapping me for... probably the M...

And yeah... tried that... it either works out that they like me a lot more than I like them... or I like them a lot more than they like me... just doesn't work...

That goes for sex as well as dating actually...

I'm mostly okay with being on my own anyway...

Sunshine said...

Actually, I said that because of "S".

It's a numbers game. All you need is one who likes you just as much as you like them. :)

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff blue-eyes,

M is for masturbation regardless of boyfriend status. My hands/dick are best of mates - and I'm certainly not complaining!!

Have fun,