Tonight was the penultimate competition for the Camera Club year, the inaugural (see, I know lots of big words tonight) Digital Images competition. The images didn't have to be anything other than digitial files, they didn't have to be especially manipulated, or whathaveyou.
As soon as I heard that we were having a digital competition, I knew I had to enter Wild Thing (center bottom)... its an image I've had for a long time, but I did a ton of work on it, and haven't been able to print it to use in normal competitions because of the small file size.
The other two, Doorway (top left... the treatment of which I based heavily on the work of Benno Thoma) and Fur Hat (top right) took me a little longer to decide on.
And tonight was the judging.
It would have been nice if they had gotten a judge in that knew SOMETHING about digital imaging... of course in our (rather shallow) juding pool those people are very much few and far between... mostly because the average age of said judges is about 5000 years old, give or take...
When I saw who the judge was I had a feeling it wouldn't be good... I remembered his face... and the associated feeling that went with it was that he was something of a pratt... course I think that about a lot of our judges...
But I really knew we were in trouble when the first image of the night popped up, which was very obviously manipulated, and very obvious how it was done (the same image, mirrored, then flipped and mirrored again so it made an abstract pattern)... and the judge made some comment about not wanting to make a guess on how it had been done because he would probably be wrong...
The night didn't get a whole lot better...
I wasn't overly helped by the fact that my images had some very light areas that were pretty much skating the rim of being overexposed, and once they were projected onto the screen, they fell over that edge which made the judge like them less.
In the end, Doorway got a 6, Fur Hat got a 7 and Wild Thing, thankfully, got an 8. Unfortunately because it was a special competition with a trophy, we don't get our usual little certificates for 8's and above.
One of my Club Buddies and I went for our usual coffees after the meeting was over and had a good bitch session, which was fairly helpful. It made us feel better at any rate.
Next Tuesday is the Annual Exhibition, I take Ma along to that, so that if I win anything like I did my first year in the club, she's at least there to see it. Plus it means we can go out for dinner beforehand, so that's always nice.
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