- Getting up at 6am (before the sun had actually hit North Adelaide) to go for my walk was kinda strange, but pretty cool...
- I'm fairly certain my dress pants are much looser than they were the last time I wore them due to the above walking... go me!
- I checked off another of Boost's new flavours, Orange Berry Zen...
- Obviously I'm suffering from a similar "rising tide" problem to The Other Andrew... not helped by the monumentally hot security guard in the building where I was working... *sigh*
- I don't seem to be able to enter said building without running into one of the four people I used to work with...
- Half-assed and vague written instructions are very, very annoying... especially when the person who wrote them is in Kyoto and hence, not available to explain what she's on about
- Temp/contract work is very draining... unlike a normal day of work there's nothing to really distract you from the task at hand, which needs to be done within an eight hour period... no phonecalls, no chatting with co-workers, no meetings, no nothing... and sitting in someone else's chair for eight hours is no picnic either...
- Subway tuna and salad wraps are not only somewhat scary, they are also about the size of both of my fists and disturbingly damp...
- Working in an airconditioned building on the one day in a two week period where the weather is over 32 degrees C is probably a good thing in the long run
- Even the vaguest, VAGUEST impression of a cute guy's underwear barely showing through his white business shirt above the line of his dress pants is enough to make me slightly crazed... especially when I'm sitting about 20cm away from his waist while he's standing on the bus (see point 4 above)
- Cherry tomatoes ROCK!
- I was a little disturbed to learn this afternoon that Baker's Delight have started selling drinks in addition to their vast array of, well, bread... I do enjoy the fact that I can chat with my Baker's Delight girlies (two sisters who work different shifts) without actually buying anything...
Current Mood:

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