
age project

how old is he?There is a weekly web links column in The Advertiser on Saturdays, and due to all the fun and games on Saturday, I didn't really end up having a proper look at Saturday's paper until Sunday afternoon...

Usually the links aren't all that interesting, but there was one that caught my eye for a site called The Age Project.

They show you photos of people, you guess how old they are, then you find out how old they really are, and what the average guessed age is.

It sounds silly and kinda lame, and yeah, it is silly and kinda lame, but its also slightly addictive. I only stopped after I began to get the same faces coming around again, at which point I figured that I'd probably exhausted the site's supply. I did pretty well overall, I was only a year or two out a lot of the time, and when I was out by a massive amount, the average guess was also way out, so I wasn't the only one who thought the 17yo girl looked 33...

You can also add your own photo to the site, and find out how old people REALLY think you look...

Current Mood: amused

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