

ban the spotI'm sitting here shaking my head in disbelief... I honestly cannot believe they're doing it again. It was a travesty the first time around...

Yes, that's right people... The nice folks at Bonds have obviously been standing too close to the fabric dyes again, because they're bringing back that god-awful early 90's style abyss, the "Hypercolour" tshirt (although, I think they're only doing it as a singlet, which is bad enough on its own)! But they're calling it "Hot Spots"... New name, same crap concept...

The marketing blurb on the Bond's website says it all...

Hot Spots is the ‘noughties’ take on the nineties ‘hypercolour’ phenomenon - with Bonds introducing a heat sensitive version of the cult Chesty singlet - meaning your top will change colour as your body heats up.

They automatically lose points for using the term 'noughties'... and a couple more for possible mis-use of inverted commas...

For some unknown reason though, they're PROUD that they're brining this piece of worthless drek back from the dead, and that they've improved it, and made the "colour lasts longer – no matter how many times you wash it"...

And getting "Bonds ambassador" (ambassador?!?) Sarah Murdoch (nee O'Hare) to be the spokesmodel for the new singlet isn't exactly the best idea anyone has ever had... especially when she uses the phrase "square ballerina"...

Just so long as they don't make it into underwear again... *shudder*

Current Mood: yucky-ta


Sunshine said...

Is it wrong of me that I actually like the hypercolours? ;P

yani said...

Not if it's in a kitch nostalgic way... any other way and there's definate spankage :P