

invasion!Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit...

The picture on the right was my kitchen counter about an hour ago...

Think that lot, multiplied by about 300... and you get the general idea.

And now I'm doing that think that your body does when you've had an invasion of ants like that... every little itch, every phantom scratch... its all because your brain is inventing the idea that your body is crawling with ants... *SHUDDER*...


The downside of course that it's all my fault...

It hadn't been a stellar morning... it's been raining since last night, so, of course, we know what than means... that's right... no morning walk... on the plus side, it proves that my body is becoming addicted to it though, since I just didn't feel right NOT going out.

So I just kind of pottered around on the computer, figuring I would hold off on the whole shower/breakfast thing to see if the rain went away enough for me to take a walk first. No such luck. I DID however get to listen to the old dumbass ethnic builder who is working on the house right next to mine, singing badly in very short busts at the top of his very powerful lungs. Kinda made me wish for either a high powered rifle of some sort, or possibly just access to a nail gun for a short time.

I went into the lounge room for some reason... possibly to check the status of actual rain (which I'd been doing on and off all morning), and noticed the garbage bags I'd put next to the door to remind me to throw them out before I went for my walk... I should really have thrown one of them out yesterday, because it was full of fruit peelings and stuff from when I made fruit salad on Sunday night...

Then I noticed the ants, bascially covering the top of the bag... then I turned around, almost horror movie style, and caught a look at the top of my kitchen counter... and the plate and bowl I'd left on the counter last night after dinner...


And, of course, I'd used up the last of the bug spray two days ago... double dammit....

So I filled the sink with very hot soapy water and drowned the little f*ckers infesting my plate, etc... *cackle* DIE!

Then I tromped off to the 7 Day Supermarket to get bug spray... on the way seeing a 4WD with a "Pest Control Solutions" type company logo on it... Irony... it's a bitch...

Came back and sprayed all the rest of the little crawling bastards straight to their little crawling deity of choice... *cackle* DIE DIE DIE!

The bug spray I bought was this new (at least to me) stuff called Micromist... looked like toxic gas killing their little asses... so weird... cool... but weird...

Now all I have to do is go wipe all the surfaces down in the kitchen, including the floor.... *sigh*

Current Mood: ants, housework and itching... bah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hummm, once I was too lazy to go get bug spray. I made my on concotion by mixing distilled vinegar, lime juice and dishwashing soap. Needless to say, I soon learned those bastards were laughing at me. All I was doing was giving them a bath. I eventually went nuts and with one swipe, killed them all.