You might remember back when I first started walking, I posed this question... "I'm also wondering how long its going to be before I end up with blisters... *sigh*".
Well, the correct answer is 1 month and 6 days... I decided to go with a different pair of shoes this morning, because my regular sneakers start out a little loose and slide around a little on my feet, so I went with a pair that were a little bit snug. What I forgot was that my feet obviously swell the longer I walk, and that my left foot is half a size larger than my right by about two thirds into the walk the left foot was officially hurting... by the end of the walk, both shoes were hurting...
I won't be doing THAT again in a hurry, I can tell you!
Anyway, I had to go into town today to pick up the present for the wedding Mum is going to, so since the weather can't really seem to make up it's mind whether it wants to be sunshine or rain or cold or windy or what the last few days, I figured going early was the better option.
Parked the car and swung past EzyDVD to see if they had the third Press Gang DVD (which I ordered from a different EzyDVD store ages ago, and which they should have called me about weeks ago), which they did, so I snagged that, then diverted past my hairdressers to make an appointment for tomorrow, thinking Tink who cuts my hair wasn't in on a Thursday... turns out she was on, and was coming in at 11am, and since it was about quarter past 10 at the time I booked her for 11 there and then.
Then off to David Jones to pick up the wedding gift... followed by some random wandering around looking at possibly Christmas presents and general drooling at books in Borders. I was amused in Borders listening to one of the very cute and alternaboy staff explaining how things where organised to, I assume, a new staff member... obviously someone who had never shopped there...
Was still interesting to hear him describe how the stuff was categorised, especially within the "Fashion" section... "It's alphabetical by designer, but it's also alphabetical by author... so you get (somebody starting with A)'s book on handbags, then you have this book on Manolo Blahnik, because his surname starts with a B even though the author is (someone who didn't start with a B), then you have (someone else starting with B)'s History of Fashion, then Chanel..."
Silly Alternaboy...
I also saw the gayest boy in all of creation in the Mall... he kind of reminded me of Ethan from Bratboy School (back when he was blonde anyway)... but like an übergay version of Ethan... tall, tanned, blonde, very well dressed, very hip, very now... but Sister Mary Margaret, the boy was swishy... *rolls eyes*
Then it was off to have my hair did... it really needed it, but we didn't do anything interesting with it... no colour or anything, just a plain old cut. We're planning to do the full on colour thing just before Christmas, ready for 2006...
After than it was off home again, but I stopped off briefly to grab some chicken to make tandoori wraps for dinner, as well as getting a lamb and salad bagel for lunch... a nice filled bagel has always been a lunch treat for me... I don't know why, but I always feel like it's a treat...
It was a good morning, but the whole thing of actually being a) in the city and b) spending my own money on things was almost strange... it felt good... but it also felt weird because I really haven't done it for a while...
Dammit... I need to start working again...
Current Mood:

That sounds like a typical day in the city to me. :) And don't you just LOVE Borders??? :D
Sunshine: Love Borders TO DEATH! The first couple of months it was open I never went in there without walking out with something... whether I went in there with the intention of buying or now...
Ethan: I know you're not... this was the one point where he DIDN'T remind me of you... but he was kind of like your evil swishy twin :P
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