
a brief tale of shopping

woman shopping at a jaunty angleIt was very much a Saturday of Little Importance this week... well, maybe that's being unkind, since we did manage to fill the whole day, but given recent excursions that seem to have been somewhat more intense or at least involved more travelling around, this week was very laid back.

Cue Supermarket Safari montage... blah blah broccoli, blah blah steak, blah blah ham, blah blah iced coffee...

Then we headed down to Marion since we had decided to cash in some of our Event Cinema (aka Greater Union) points and go and see Ponyo (more on that later).

We did the usual wander around the shops at Marion, including having a quick look at the Christmas decorations that are already up in David Jones (scary), poked around for a little "laptop mouse" that I can use instead of (or as well as) Beast's trackpad. And although we had to endure the checkout line that wouldn't end in Kmart, we got through our wander with time to spare before the movie. Granted that meant a lot of sitting around, but you can't have everything.

The only downside to going to see an animated movie on a Saturday is that children show up... and while I'm all for teaching children the correct way to behave in a movie theatre (sit down, shut up and actually watch the movie), I'm not overly a fan of having to be there for it. For the most part though they were reasonably okay.

After the movie we wandered off to get some lunch, did another wander around so that I could pick up the laptop mouse (which involved using the new Self Serve checkouts in Big W... which would have been fine except that I put the bag I was carrying down on the "packing tray" and the machine had a hissy fit at me... so I left it and used another one since none of the staff were being helpful), and then came home.

See what I mean... a whole world of nothing much happened...

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