Exposing my feet... well, kinda... it's my feet in socks... does that count?
Good Things About Today
- It's Friday!
- Getting an extra hour of sleep (even if it did mean that I skipped my walk)
- Having a left-over Apple & Walnut Scroll to take to work
- Brand new lime green and black striped knee high socks (as above)
- The hot, new(ish), very bearish staff member who has awesome calves (he was wearing shorts... bless you casual Friday!)
- Finding out all about ISDN2+ and a potential new ISP
- Haighs Cappuccino Bar, Marshmallow Bar and Peppermint Truffle Bar
- The SYTYCD Finale (even if it's sad because it means no more SYTYCD and I won't be watching it until tomorrow)
- Attractive young gentlemen as seen on my lunch break
- Reading my first Stephen Fry novel
- A quiet (some would say positively dead) day at work
- People who know more than me and are willing to share their knowledge
- Hot redheaded guys (Ginger Pride is alive and well and I'm seeing them everywhere)
- Having Trev the Goldfish kiss my finger (bless!)
- Fresh tomatoes and basil... whether I turn them into pasta sauce, pizza or bruschetta (I'm thinking pizza)

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