
shopping lite

it's a crappy photo, but that was more or less everything i bought this morningFirstly... why is it Winter again... we had Winter, it went away and we were having Spring... this Winter shit can kiss my ass...

In the end I decided to go shopping all on my ownsome this morning, and I also managed to do some tidying up both last night and this morning, so essentially it all worked out.

But as the photo on the right illustrates, it was a VERY light-on shopping day. Add to that some milk, kitchen towel, crackers, ham and Iced Coffee and that was my total shopping haul.

As I've said, it was something of an intense week last week, so I still have a bunch of stuff in my fridge and my cupboard (actually the cupboard has been full for a while now)... so there was very little stuff I really need for the coming week, especially since it's a very short week.

So yeah... a rather pitiful little collection of groceries really.

It did mean that I had enough time to get back, unpack, read the paper and fiddle around with the computer before Ma got here though.

For the most part we didn't do a whole hell of a lot of anything... and the things we did try and do didn't always work out the way we planned... but it wasn't a total waste of time.

Actually on that whole thing, it was interesting... I was flicking around YouTube this morning and watched one of the videos by fellow Blogger, Shannon, about asking for things and then releasing them to the Universe. One of the things he mentioned was asking for a parking space. So when Ma and I decided to head into the city, we tried to get a carpark on the hill like we usually do, but as we turned onto that road Ma said something about there probably not being one. And while I didn't say anything aloud, I did think to myself that we definitely would find one... and just left it at that. The obvious end to this story is that there was a carpark, but it was slightly more complicated than that (isn't it always the way with my stories)... there was a carpark, but Ma had pulled over to the side of the road and didn't manage to get herself sorted out quickly enough to take it before the very rude idiot behind us (like three cars behind too, which makes it worse) took it. And while I was a little cranky that Ma wouldn't indicate to signal her intention... but I didn't really stress about it, since I just knew we'd get another park. And we did... about half a dozen or so spaces further up, there was a car pulling out and we got the park no dramas.

So Shannon, while I can't log into YouTube to leave you a comment there, I'm just letting you know that it did work.

Anyway, given that today is the Annual Ritual of Meatheadery, the city did seem more deserted than normal... in fact while part of it might have been in my head, everywhere did seem just that tiny bit desolate. Which wasn't that bad really...

We wandered about a bit, went down to Ikeguchi and although I really had no intention of buying anything, ended up getting this cute little Jizo Buddha statue. Interestingly enough that actually led me to make a declarative statement that I really, really need to reorganise all of my tchotchka... retire some of the stuff and make more room for some of the stuff I do have. It's actually a thought that I've been having for a little while (since I got the Jamie artwork)... I really do need to simplify... or find some new way of displaying some of the little tiny stuff... I dunno... I just know that I need to formulate a change of some sort.

But obviously not until we come back from Melbourne.

The other thing we unsuccessfully tried to find was a different table for Beast... the one I'm using is okay, but it's not great... I can't get it as close to me as I would like, and the legs get in the way of my legs. Sadly, the one I wanted to look at turned out to be plastic and not have a very good locking mechanism for the tilt. There is a really nice one (the Alve) in the new Ikea catalogue, but it's a little on the pricey side and I have no idea where the hell I would store it when I wasn't using it. Thus is the general lament of living in a very small apartment.

And other than stopping off at the 24 hour Bakery on the way home, that was about it for our day.

So, yeah... now all I need to do is go to bed at a reasonable time tonight...

Current Mood:

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