I was stressing about this whole Holiday Hookup thing... and I had the thought that I really needed to just let the Universe take it and stop stressing... but it was easier said than done. But after a mid-morning bootay call I was able to let it all go without much drama. Maybe I'll do something while I'm away, maybe I won't... it's all a bit m'eh...
Speaking of bootay calls... do you ever get the feeling that somebody is sleeping with you because of what you can do rather than who you are... and if you couldn't do that thing you do as well as you do, they probably wouldn't bother with you. That was kinda what this morning was like. In some ways I was using him just as much as he was using me... but I do get the distinct impression that if he could find somebody to abuse him quite as well as I do then that would be it. Not that he's a regular playmate or anything, I think this is about our third actual meeting, but we talk online from time to time and he has a tendency to run hot and cold a bit there too. Maybe that's just him... maybe he gets to the pain place and enjoys hanging out there but doesn't necessarily show it. I have no idea. He's a little like Slick Willy to be honest... he's all about what I can do for him, but not really much about the reciprocation... actually he's slightly better about that than SW, but it's the lack of kissing that bothers me. But then that always bothers me.
Having said all that it wasn't an unenjoyable time, and it did get me to a somewhat more Zen place. So that's good.
Plus I was able to kill two birds with one stone and stop off on the way home to pick up some new luggage locks. I went to throw some stuff in my big purple suitcase this morning, only to discover that the lock wouldn't open. I know I remembered the combination for the lock... because it was really inappropriate... it was the same as the flight number for the plane in Lost... 815. But try as I might, I couldn't get the stupid lock to open. Fortunately, because it was only a cheapass $3 lock from The Reject Shop I was able to hack into it fairly easily with a pair of mean looking plyers I have in my toolbox. But it did leave me short one lock.
I ended up buying a more expensive version, with a key this time, so hopefully that won't be a drama... and there were two locks with two identical keys in the pack, so if either Ma or I have any drama about losing a key, there is still a spare.
And that was about it... I've pretty much vegged out in front of the laptop for the rest of the day... in fact I really have no idea where the hell the day went... it seems to have disappeared at a rate of knots. Part of the problem is that I don't have a "system" like I did with the old computer... I can be sitting reasonably comfortably in the living room, with the teevee on and still playing around online. Fortunately I decided to do some tidying up this morning before I switched on the computer, so my place isn't looking too bad.
I just need a routine now that I have Beast... I'm good with a routine... well, I need a routine and to get rid of the old computer so I have some room for the laptop in my bedroom.
But that's far too much thinking for a Sunday evening... so I'm going to go and attempt something constructive...
Current Mood:

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