
unconscious mutterings 348

I got some very good news last night... there was a message on my phone which I didn't get up and read immediately, but when I did I discovered that Tink has returned from the Great Blue Yonder and is back at the old salon. Woohoo! I'll have to drop in there some time tomorrow and say hello and maybe book something for later.

Plus since I've been trying out new places it also means that I have a spare salon close by if I need it.

Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. What pleases you? :: Naked men, chocolate, silence, street art, good movies
  2. Whatever :: Clueless
  3. Chime :: Wind
  4. Pleading :: Submissive
  5. Simulate :: Life
  6. Flashing :: Lights
  7. Directional :: Gyros
  8. Pink :: Evil Clowns
  9. Access :: All Areas
  10. Ugly :: Betty
Current Mood:

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