Anyway, it was something of a brief shopping day today, since I have J's dinner party tonight and Ma is going to Princess T's birthday party.
It did turn out to be the kind of day where you end up picking up a bunch of things that you have been intending to get for ages, but always forget about...
And since the weather has taken on a Spring vibe (even if it's a little chilly) there did seem to be a large amount of hot guys around, most of them wearing less than normal (or just unconsciously exposing parts of their underwear). Mmmmm...
After the usual Supermarket Safari et al, we headed down to West Lakes for no real reason, although I did want to pick up a bottle of wine to take to J's (and I'd forgotten to do it earlier)... and that's about when certain things seemed to start falling into place, purchase wise...

Just as a brief sidebar, ever since I had my spirit guide portrait done last year (the Zulu warrior with the lion) I've found myself increasingly drawn to the "lion aesthetic"... which is interesting, because I wouldn't have said that I necessarily identified with the lion out of all the big cats (especially since the Tiger is my Chinese Astrology sign)... so maybe it's more of a general cat thing (since I'm so much more a cat person than a dog person). But when Marc was here on Tuesday we were talking about something (boys I'd like to jump perhaps, I don't remember exactly) but he told me I was a lion. Which I thought was interesting, since it came almost completely out of nowhere.
After we'd done the full loop of West Lakes we had a little bit of something to eat, and then went back and picked up some other things we'd either forgotten about (the wine, black shoe polish) or only seen on our first loop (really tasty dip from The Yoghurt Shop)... and that was it... we bid fond farewell to all the pretty and occasionally skanky boys wandering around the shopping centre and headed back here.
We did get somewhat distracted on the way back, Ma wanted to call off and look at the funky little shops in Queen Street (I can't remember why exactly), so we did... I just wish funky and unique didn't always equal expensive... there was this groovy wooden robot with rope arms that was close to $200, and it was only about 30cm tall... and don't even get me started on the stuff that was in the "baby store". Muea expensivo.
Once we were finished there we took a "shortcut" back to my place which just happened to take us down Hawker Street, where I've shot graffiti on more than one occasion... and we found a new Toy Soliders Crew mural... woohoo... although interestly it's the least "Benzo" Benzo piece I think I've ever seen. I do need to go back and rephotograph it though... the sun was totally in the wrong spot.
Now, because my stupid computer keeps having a seizure, I have much less time than I hoped I would before I have to start getting organised for J's party... and you can tell that I'm not particularly enthusiastic about it (I know, I know, I'll be fine once I get there) because there's an idea floating around in the back of my head that if it's completely a waste of time I can always throw in the towel (no pun intended) early and go hit the sauna...
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