
semi improptu travel related hair adventure

far too much hair related attentionSo with all this random freaking out about the laptop and my ADSL, the Melbourne trip has been on the backburner of my brain a little bit... and when Ma mentioned that she was going to be getting her hair done this weekend, I realised that I still hadn't organised having my hair done before we go away.

And, as I think I mentioned last time, one of the downsides of trying out new hairdressers is that you actually have to decide on one before you can book in. I also knew that the later I left it the harder it was going to be to find somewhere...

In the end I went to the same hairdresser as last time... partly because it was nearby, partly because the last haircut was reasonable... but mostly because it was easier than deciding on something new.

I originally wanted to book in for Saturday, but they only open at 9am, so that was no good (especially given the amount of time I ended up spending in there)... and since I wanted a cut and a colour, tomorrow night was no good, since they close at 5:30 (I think).

So, like last time, I totally went with the "we can fit you in in 10 minutes" haircut. Which worked out really well.

I was in there for two hours though, what with the cutting and the dying and then the toning when the whole thing came out a little on the ranga side. Also on the plus side was the fact that the HLBRSBB (man he needs an easier acronym) washed my hair before I had it cut. Sadly it was only a quick wash to get my hair reading, so I didn't get some of that deep scalp stimulation, but I forebear.

You would think though, that since he washes everyone's hair (or seems to) and since I had my hair washed three times, he would have done it more than once. No such luck. Buggeration.

I did seem to be attended to by every man, woman and homo though (actually that's a lie, they only have women and homos at that salon, not that I'm complaining). There was the slightly psycho but fun girly who actually cut my hair, then there was the aforementioned SBB, then there was the Uber Homo who gave Psycho Girly advice on the colour, then there was the girl who washed the colour out, and then the woman who put the toner stuff in, and then washed it out... and then I think the first hairwashing girly was the one who took my money when it was all over. It was quite a production.

I never really felt shunted around though... Psycho Girly did all the important stuff, the cut, the colour, the styling... she just left the other stuff to other people while she got on with another client.

Since I only had it cut at the end of last month, it didn't really need that much of a cut, so I just let her do whatever (she was much less focused on the whole hair experience than the guy from last time... but then she was really just working within the architecture that he'd left behind). The colour however, I went with a "kinda matching my eyebrows" request... and after discussion with Uber Homo (and, to be honest, much less discussion with me than I'm probably used to... but then I think Tink probably spoiled me for all other hairdressers for all time), she went off, made colour and slapped it on my head.

After a lovely time leafing through GQ and reading all about fashion and Jennifer Aniston I was handed off down the hairchain and the decision was made that the colour was too brassy, so I was off to get toner applied. Between you and me, I kinda didn't mind the brassy colour, but it was a bit ranga... not that there's anything wrong with that. I do really, really like the colour that it ended up though. I could be wrong but it feels like it might actually be the mythical "natural" colour that I've been searching for for ages and ages. Alternatively it could just be very similar to colours I've had before and really liked.

It does look good though, which is the main thing. Natural and lighter and much closer to my eyebrows (in colour, not location... because that would just be weird).

On the downside... like last time, it was somewhat more expensive than I was hoping for. Not excessively so, but it's probably about 25% more than I had been paying. But I like the results, so I didn't mind so much. And like I said, I did get what felt like the full service treatment.

So now I'm more than ready to impress the men of Melbourne (well, sorta)... which would be good, because I seem to be "Holiday Hookup Poison" at the moment... and I have no idea what that's about... maybe I used up all my good sex karma or something...

Current Mood:

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