Everything is 100% set for Melbourne...
- Web check-in is done (although for some unknown reason all the seats on the plane were already allocated and I couldn't have moved us even if I'd wanted to, but its okay because we had good seats).
- Car picking us up at the airport is arranged (and I've organised it so that the chauffeur will be holding up a sign with Princess T's name on it) and paid for.
- Ma double double checked the hotel reservation earlier this week.
- Checked the weather forecast for Melbourne (not great, but not terrible either).
- There is clothing spread all over the bed, and covering the wardrobe doors waiting to be packed later tonight.
I also made a list this morning to ensure that I didn't miss any of those little twiddly things that should do before we leave... stuff like changing my bed, putting the clocks forward (since Daylight Savings kicks in while we're away), taking all of my work related crap out of my Crumpler bag... you know, boring but slightly essential stuff.
I will admit though, while I am fairly excited about this whole thing, I don't feel anywhere near as excited as I was before we went to Sydney. I don't really know why either. Maybe its because this will be my third trip to Melbourne, maybe its because I had all the other "drama" leading up to the trip and didn't really have that much time to let it be the only thing on my mind, maybe it was because I was working and simply didn't have as much time to spend thinking about it, maybe its because some of the potential plans I was hoping for didn't eventuate, I don't know.
It just feel so much less like Yani On Tour this year... you know...
I am confident though that not a single thing is going to go wrong while we're in Melbourne... because between them H-San and Sugarmonkey spent what seemed like large amounts of today outlined every single possible, improbable and totally implausible thing that could, might or definitely wouldn't go wrong while I've there. Everything from extraordinary rendition (which I had to look up, because I had no idea what the hell it was) through to the hotel room teevee playing nothing but Entourage (I watched one episode, wasn't that fussed). So I'm fully covered... nothing will go wrong (don't ask me how the logic works, but it works very nicely in my head thank you very much... and anything that does go wrong I can blame squarely on those two chuckleheads).
The blog will once again be "going dark" while I'm away... technically I could probably have set up some posts to go live while I was away, but I always kinda like the idea of that gap... at least until I get back and I can fill in the days with long rambly stories that have no end...
So I guess I'll see you all next Monday at the earliest...
Now I'm off to get pizza because I just couldn't be bothered cooking anything tonight...
Current Mood:

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