
spirit trio template

calm centre spirit guide trio templateBehold... the Winter Template...

Yes, it's the seasonal changing of the template here at yaniblog... and yes, just like last Winter, it's based on my Spirit Guide portrait.

I was a little bit crafty too... I couldn't work out a way to get all three of the figures in the side banner, so I had to add the "Medicine Buddha" figure to the image way down the bottom of the page. Not sure if that's something that will continue, it'll depend on the image I guess.

And interestingly (to me anyway), while I started out with a similar orange colour for the bottom of the sidebar like last year, I unconsciously turned it into what turned out to be roughly the same colour as my new quilt cover...

It's funny the places your mind draws inspiration from when you're not paying attention...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Tom said...

Yay! I can see your links now... the last template was hard with the pink. :)