
unconscious mutterings 345

Urgh... No H-San, no Sugarmonkey... just little yani answering all the stupidass phonecalls in the world...

Then I came home and pulled down a website I've been running for the last nine years (it was going to have to come down anyway when I switched ISPs... plus I really haven't touched it for the last two years)...

Unconscious Mutterings...
  1. Abusive :: Relationship
  2. Psychotic :: Me
  3. Parents :: One good, one gone
  4. Yell :: Gee, you were on a roll with the first four words weren't you... Loud
  5. Amulet :: Magic
  6. Sandstorm :: Desert
  7. Amusement :: Arcade
  8. Imitation :: Pearls
  9. Baby :: Bump
  10. Rainbows :: Kermit
Current Mood:

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