
guess where i am...

wired for... well, internet, i guessGuess where I'm sitting... I'm on my pretty little new red chair, typing on my wireless enabled laptop. Yes, I'm a freakin superstar.

Well, me and the internet, with a little bit of help from J (although mostly me... and the internet).

Because I was up really late last night (with all that late night internet action), I overslept a little bit this morning, so decided against going on my walk and instead sat around fiddling with my laptop. I was very happy, because what would normally have taken about three and a half hours only took me about an hour. And everything was so damn quick. And who knew there was video on the internet and I could actually see it. In short... woohoo!

Anyway, when I got to work I checked online to see if I could see a solution to the whole lack of wireless connection problem. I found something that sounded about right, but wasn't exactly sure how the hell to make it all happen.

So I asked J to swing by after work and see if he could help me set things right. But he was delayed, so I did some fiddling around myself (which sounds really, really dodgy when I say it like that) and actually managed to get it to connect. So I was going to move the computer into the lounge, and accidentally told it to install all the Windows Updates...

Now installing 1 of 41 updates...

Goddamit! Fortunately it was pretty much finished by the time J got here, and I'd set everything up all secure and stuff, so I was pretty damn pleased with myself.

So here I am, watching Margaret Cho in the lounge, typing a blog post and hanging out with J... I'm so 21st Century... and it's nice that I finally joined the rest of the world.

PS: Given all the weirdness going on in Sydney and Brisbane right now, I hope all my blogboys out there are okay!

Current Mood:


Tom said...

W-hoo! Now join twitter and get an iPhone. Then you'll be one of the cool kids. ;)

Yeah, we're fine in Sydney, no thanks to you South Australians. The news was reporting that the dust came from Adekaide, although they subsequently changed it to South West Queensland, which is you know, in the totally opposite direction. So perhaps it wasn't your fault. :P

Sunshine said...

Fine over here. It was only dust, not anthrax. :P