Guess where I'm writing this post from... that's right, sitting on my bed, on the laptop, on ADSL. Woohoo. Well, kinda.
After yesterday's crapfest, I made a deal with the Universe. I would just let go of stressing about things, and in return the Universe would send me good stuff.
And for the most part it worked. I managed to book tickets for the movie tonight in record time... shortly after that the nice delivery man turned up with my modem. Woo to the Hizzah! I was very excited...
I managed to adopt Zen Calm for the whole day... in fact even now I have Zen Calm going on...
However when I got home I saw that my internet connection had dropped out on the PC. What I should have done was reconnected, written up my review for the movie, gone to bed and worried about the wireless modem and whatnot tomorrow night.
But I didn't. And while I am all hooked up to the internet and kicking it at 2000 km/hr currently... I'm not doing it wirelessly... I'm currently shackled to the modem via an Ethernet cable. Everything went off without a hitch, but the computer wouldn't recognise the wireless connection, even though the nextwork was sitting there and the signal was strong. I even called J to ask his advice, but it's a little hard doing the tech support thing over the phone when you haven't even seen the computer.
I'll get there though. Of this I have no doubt. And if it means I'm tethered down for now, well, so be it.
Current Mood:

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