I made what can only be categorised as "A Big Whoopsy" at work this morning... I deleted something I shouldn't have deleted (although had no idea that in deleting it I would create as much of a problem as it turned out to be), and broke part of our system... you know, the system that the whole organisation uses. And then the guy who's supposed to fix things like this, he was away until Monday...
So for a lot of the day I've had to endure jokes about me breaking things (and they're SO not going to go away any time soon... I can look forward to MONTHS of this)...
And on top of that it kinda left me with not very much to do all day...
Actually that wasn't the worst part... the worst part was H-San... he doesn't yell, he doesn't scream or throw things, occasionally he rants and gets pissed off, but he doesn't yell. He just gets all silent and it wasn't like I felt like he was angry with me (okay, it was a little bit like that), it felt more like I'd disappointed him or let him down... which seemed kinda random. Things improved after lunch (after I took myself off for an hour's worth of retail sublimation), but we were a very, very, very quiet Nut House for a few hours there.
But neither Retail Sublimation nor Junk Food Sublimation made me feel any better... at the time anyway, I'm kinda pleased about the retail bit now, especially since the most expensive thing I bought actually wasn't for me, but another item to add to the long list of Xmas presents for Ma. I did buy myself The Tales of Beedle the Bard... plus, it was only $10, so bargain...
Oh, and it's amazing the things you can get away with in the middle of the CBD so long as you look like you're supposed to be doing them and you don't look all shifty and afraid. On my way down the the mall I happened to go past a poster for The Mikado... and it was all tucked away down an alley, on the side of a building, but under an overhang so it hadn't been rained on and it looked pretty pristine. So on my way back up the mall I detoured back into the alley and pulled the poster carefully off the wall... people saw me, but thankfully the "if I don't say anything, it didn't happen" rule was in effect and I just walked away with it (I then stopped in the middle of the mall and made sure all the bluetak was gone from the back of it before rolling it up)...
I could have gone for drinks after work (it's Nasal Bitch's last day), but honestly I just didn't feel like it... I think I just needed to return to hearth and home and lick my metaphorical wounds. Of course I wanted to indulge in some serious bad and wrong foodness for dinner (which I'd already done at lunch)... but oddly, every time I thought about getting something I ran the scenario through in my head and thought about how I would physically feel afterwards... and I kept putting everything back (maybe it's as simple as I didn't trust any of my own decisions, I dunno)...
I'm still not sure about what I bought... but I should go and make it already...
Current Mood:

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