And weather was an important theme today, since I went out this morning to snap some photos of Honeysuckle Lane... it was fairly early when I went out, but really grey and windy... which is good for photography, one giant "softbox"... but of course, as soon as I got in the car it started to pour with rain, and once I got to Honeysuckle Lane I must have sat in the car for about ten minutes waiting for it to stop. And actually that was kinda nice... I love the sound of rain on metal.
Anyway when it finally finished I wandered down the lane taking a bunch of photos... most of it is actually the "New York style" stuff... words you can't actually read but that look pretty cool from a graphical standpoint... but there were a few "art pieces".
The photos at the top are two of my favourites... I love the Blue Graphics Man, there's some sort of Fifties vibe about him (but that could just be me)... and what's not to love about an Emo Frankendolly (it's the stripy tights... I'm a sucker for stripy tights)...
I managed to get back to the car without getting too wet (it was spitting a bit, but nothing drastic) and headed home via a grand detour (including an abandoned house which had some of the "New York" stuff in it, but it was too dark inside to get a decent photo... and I drove past the abandoned shop that's given me some good photos in the past, but it now has a chainlink fence around it), and with a quick stop off at the petrol station to fill my tyres with air (oddly, the front tyres looked flat, but the back tyres had much less air pressure in them, no idea what's up with that) and my wiper tank with water (both jobs I've been putting off and putting off)...
Then after lunch I went on a random wander around North Adelaide.
Mostly I wanted to snag a couple of new street art pieces I noticed yesterday at the electric sub station (or whatever it is) down the road, but I ended up just wandering about and I snagged a few more shots for the Montage I've been working on for a few weeks now.
But while I was out, so was the sun and it got fairly warm... still windy as hell, but warm enough for me to take my jacket off... the sunshine was nice though...
Current Mood:

Not just you - I thought 1940's/50's when I first saw it! :)
Actually you may be right... I think it's more 40's now that you mention it...
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