
photo friday: freedom

freedomSince I've been overdosing on The West Wing over the last couple of weeks, this seemed somewhat appropriate...

Plus the whole "freedom of speech and expression" thing is particularly blog-related...

Of course sometimes "freedom" leads to well thought out discussions on important topics... and sometimes it just leads to random discussions of random crap...

Like why is it that quite often in really cold weather I have a craving for icecream? And how with a simple letter from you bank announcing a merger with another bank, you can actually see the end result, when your bank disappears and you end up banking with a completely different bank. And why something that looks like it would be somewhat uncomfortable is actually really comfy...

Yeah, that last one might have been overshare...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Yup, a little overshare. Not as bad though as had you been commenting on some of the other products available on that site! ;)

yani said...

What, suddenly there's something wrong with a rubber jockstrap? :P

Tom said...

Depends on whether you blog about it or not. :P