
morning thoughts

There really isn't a whole lot going on in my brain just currently... probably because there's not a whole lot going on in my life... plus on top of that the weather is all grey and rainy and decidedly "indoors"... which is fine, but maybe a little much after a while.

This morning's walk was slightly more interesting than usual, if for no other reason than the fact that the Corporate Cup started again... so every other Wednesday from now until December I'll be sharing the track around the river with a bunch of "also rans" (okay, I'm sure there was probably a better term I could of used, but that seemed appropriate, if not accurate)... which isn't too bad actually since a fair proportion of them are worth watching as they run on past me. Sadly my clockwise/anticlockwise schedule is such that I'm walking in the same direction as most of them, which kinda cuts down on the perving time, but I'll live...

I was kinda struck by something this morning though... and that was my interpretation of people's preparedness for this thing from their outfits... mainly it was the guys (since, honestly, I don't really pay that much attention to the women), but the difference between the guys kitted out with Skins gear (which I see a fair bit at the best of times anyway) and running shorts and whatnot verses a few guys who just looked like they'd rolled out of bed and put whatever pair of shorts and teeshirt on that they happened to find... and let's not even talk about older guys running in black socks and shorts... it's just wrong...

But I guess I can't really throw that many stones... when I started this whole thing way back when, I went out wearing jeans...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Well the guys who have just rolled out of bed and put on a T-shirt will be either running slowly or not very far. Skins and things help stop chaffing from everything rubbing together and so are a great invention for longer runs. Those funny airtex t-shirts are better at getting rid of sweat than cotton - ever had jogger's nipple? Ouch. :P

PS... have you got plans to graduate from walking to running with the interest in the gear?

yani said...

The longest leg of the Cup is 7km I think... but nobody seemed to be breaking land speed records...

And no, no plans to graduate... I had thought about it before I had my knee problem, but it's pretty much off the table now... the interest tends to be more the guys who wear the gear, rather than the gear itself... also, there's no way I'd pay $140 for a pair of lycra tights, no matter how good they're supposed to be...

Tom said...

Pffttt... 7km is nothing. If that's all they are doing then they're probably just posing for your benefit! ;)

$140... crikey, no way I paid that for mine - more like $30 but then I just have the shorts and I got them on sale! :)

yani said...

LOL... no they'd be posing for the benefit of everybody, not just me :P

And the $140 was for the full tights on the Skins website, I remember seeing it when I was having a quick look on there and thinking it was ridiculously overpriced...