
movies: wanted

wanted - choose your destinyYou know those movies that are so very bad that they're actually kinda good... yeah... Wanted is more or less one of those...

Although, really... any movie with James McAvoy, Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie gets points from me before it even starts... I mean, what's not to love! Because if I can have a thing about Mr McAvoy when he's wearing horns and fuzzy britches, having a thing for him when he's (eventually) all bad-ass assassin boy (with those big beautiful blue eyes) wasn't at all hard...

It's not the greatest movie ever made however... the beginning and end are probably the best parts... and the "training montage" is pretty good (as these things go... I mean there's only so many different ways you can put one of those puppies together)... but there are some uneven bits and pieces of plot along the way... I mean putting aside the whole "defying the laws of physics" bullet thing (which I could quite happily let slide, with the exception of one sequence at the end), there's a whole sequence with a train where you just go "oh please"...

There is also a certain plot element that telegraphs itself at one point and you spend the rest of the movie just waiting for it to happen... which, fortunately, it does...

And for somebody who's name is "above the title", I think Angelina has maybe a dozen or so lines... but if I'm being honest, I couldn't have cared less... all she had to do was stand around with too many tattoos and smokey eye makeup, shoot guns and be all Angelina... shallow, but true.

I will say that the movie has possibly one of the best final lines of recent memory (actually I can't think of a better final line in a movie at all)...

So lame, but, you know, entertainingly and amusingly lame...

yani's rating: 2 curving bullets out of 5


H. Alan Scott said...

i was surprised by how much i enjoyed wanted. totally not my type of movie.

Tim said...

Yeah I liked it too for the same reasons. Slightly better than "Jumpers" but about the same plot.