
photo friday: snuggle

hookers don?t like to snuggleThis is another shot from the SALA safari a couple of weeks ago... sprayed on the top of a dumpster. It intrigues me that using a question mark instead of an apostrophe seems to turn the whole sentence into a question... at least in my brain...

I also think I may have invoked Job Guide (the God of Employment) this week... I went to lunch with Stu on Wednesday, and because I can feel underdressed going to lunch with him even when I'm working (the boy does like to overdress for the office, what can I say... and I haven't worn a tie in years), I pulled one of my work shirts out of the wardrobe and threw it over my teeshirt...

And then last night I got a call from none other than Ginger Ninja... I didn't actually take the call, it was a number I didn't recognise and it was late in the evening... so you know, screw it... but when I checked the message it was an offer of work. Not back with The Dysfunctional Family Robinson (ie the old crew) sadly, but with another group in the building. I sent her an email last night saying that it sounded interesting (because of, you know, the cash), but I wasn't sure how it was going to last until November (which is what she'd said)...

She sent me another message this morning with more details... and I haven't replied yet partly because I've read the damn email about a dozen times and I'm still not completely sure what I'd be doing... okay, that's kind of a lie, but I'm wondering about the rationalisation about getting me in to do it. I know that I should just shut up, say yes, do the work, take their money (which I think is a level up from what I've been paid in the past) and run, but I look at what La Ninj has outlined and I wonder what the point is... they're talking about reorganising all of their information and then creating a position for the ongoing management.

But to me that just reflects the ongoing problems with that organisation... you get somebody in, you get them to do all the scutwork, they set up whatever it is the way they think it should run... and then they leave and somebody else comes in and takes over and has to relearn the whole system from scratch. Does that seem productive or an effective use of people's time to anybody else?

There's also a line in the email that's kind of worrying me, because Ninj said that the job needs "some one who has a good knowledge of [Department]"... and I know that I've been in and out of the building for years and years and years... but I've never actually been PART of the organisation... I've never been paid by them or had to deal with HR or had much to do with any section that I wasn't involved in (and usually then, only in relation to whatever website I was working on). So I'm not sure I have that knowledge.

I also know that part of it is me trying to talk myself out of a situation I feel might be over my head... granted I can bullshit with the best of them and can usually pick stuff up reasonably quickly, but I'd be theoretically locking myself into something for about three months, with the option of three more... and I might spend that whole time drowning.

Maybe I just need to call her and burble down the phone...

[Twenty Minutes Later]

Yes... well... I'm not completely sure I'm any better off information wise than I was a little while ago, but it does look like there's, as the saying goes, movement at the station... so I could be gainfully employed again in a couple of weeks. Whether it's for three weeks or three months is anybody's guess right now, but it should be interesting either way...

Current Mood:

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