
sala grafitti art tour

everfresh dude cowboy smell
Today has been an odd little day...

I mean there was the usual Supermarket Trawl this morning... but even that had an element of weirdness to it. Not counting the fact that I forgot to take my shopping list with me... I stood at the kitchen counter and folded it into quarters, but put it back on the counter. Which then lead to me forgetting stuff, then remembering it after we left and some backtracking... but that was more annoying than it was weird...

You know how you can do your shopping and go to three different stores and see the same people in all three stores, well, take that to the next level, and that was today. It wasn't the people I see in the supermarket every weekend... Grandma Teacosy Hat, Mr and Mrs Suburban Beige and Ethnic Single Dude... but there was this odd and unattractive dude that was wandering around Foodland at the same time as us... then I saw him in Coles... then again in Woolworths... he had large headphones on, and a hat over them, but he was just unattractive. But when we were in Woolworths, I was a few steps ahead of Ma and he was coming down the aisle in the opposite direction... as we came level, he said "can I talk to you"... or something similar. It threw me for so much of a loop that I half stopped and just went "what?" and after he repeated his question I just stared at him for a second while my brain was peddling like crazy trying to catch up to what was going on. There was something weird about the way he said it too... I can't describe it, but I remember thinking at the time that he almost said it in a confrontational way. Luckily it caught up with the rest of me just as my mouth opened, so I just went "no" and kept walking.

WEIRD! Of course then I was curious about that the hell it was he had wanted to say to me... but honestly I think I'm better off not knowing, since I think there would have been way more weirdness if I'd let him speak...

Our plan for today was part of the SALA Festival (the one where we saw way too much stuff in too short a time last year)... as part of the guided tour program, there was one called "Graffiti Art Tour" (actually there's a second one next Saturday too), with no other information, but Ma and I were totally up for it.

And an odd little group we were too when we met outside the Exeter in Rundle Street... me and Ma (who are weird enough on our own)... a group of three, two women and a man, who I wouldn't have picked as being interested in this stuff, and they were actually a weird group within themselves (one of the women was very "David Jones" and her companions were much more average)... a really skinny and dorky dude who took about as many photos as me... a guy who was probably around my age who I think was the closest to the kind of person who would go on that kind of tour... and then the very quiet, very sexy guy in his early twenties with the long dreadlock hair (yum, yum, yum and also yum)... and then there was our guide. He was wearing a bowler hat.

I'm sure some people wondered what the hell we were doing too...

Some of the stuff we saw I've seen on previous occasions, a bit of the stuff at the beginning (including the brand new Everfresh mural, part of which is the shot on the left up the top) around Rundle Street was new, and honestly, we didn't really discover anything fantastic or overly new. I think part of that was because our guide actually lives in Sydney now and only came back for the SALA Festival... and it seems like the council has gone through and "buffed" (the technical or maybe just the street term for painting over graffiti) a bunch of stuff.

I will admit that on a few occasions I did think that while I don't know as much about the subculture itself, I probably knew more about where the good stuff is in the city... in fact, as we headed from Rundle Street down towards Hindley Street I suggested that we sidetrack down a particular alleyway because I knew there were some Benzo and Store pieces down there, which surprised our guide...

Unfortunately it started to rain part of the way through, so we kind of ended up cutting the intended walk a little short, but that was okay, we saw more than enough and had a pretty good time doing it.

After the group broke up, Ma and I headed back down to Rundle Street and got some pizza, did a half-assed attempt at shopping for some sneakers for me, and then came back here.

Now we just need to work out what other SALA related things we want to do...

Current Mood:

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