Whether we're also due for me to rabbit on about nothing much in particular... well, yeah, probably...
- I keep forgetting to mention this, but I adore the new Lynx Dark Temptation... actually I adore how I smell once the fragrance has warmed up on my body... a little bit spicy, a little bit chocolatey, very yummy... I'm also amused by the tag line on the back of the can... "Chocolate Fragranced Bodyspray. Do Not Eat."
- I just need to dork out for a second... I LOVE DOCTOR WHO! Okay, better now... I did realise last night that one of the "TV Moments You Still Remember" I should have added to the Teevee Meme was Rose's exit in the second season finale...
- The Olympics don't start until Friday, but I'm sick of them already... I'm sick of the crap commercials, I'm sick of having to put up with having wall to wall coverage once they start... and most of all, I'm sick of China... whoever decided that China with their crap human rights policies, restricted internet and a cloud of smog hanging over the city would be a good place to hold the Olympics needs a good hard 2x4 to the back of the head...
- Speaking of both teevee shows and the Olympics, I wish I knew what the hell the networks were playing at just currently... both So You Think You Can Dance and America's Next Top Model are on Ten, which is awesome, but both shows are on "speeded up" schedules... we have two episodes of ANTM and this week alone there is going to be over FIVE HOURS of SYTYCD... which would make sense if it was an hour a night, but no... it's two hours, then an hour, then two and a half hours... what the? And Seven isn't any better... why the hell would they bother putting on two hours of Heroes the week before the Olympics start???
- Oh, and I'm also annoyed with the ABC, who've dumped Grand Designs at 8:30 on Tuesday night instead of returning it to 6pm Thursdays like they should have... grrr...
Current Mood:

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