
unconscious mutterings 290

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy... new shoe bouncy... actually my new sneakers don't seem to be anywhere near as bouncy or snug fitting as I remember them being in the store... not completely sure what that's about, but they are very comfortable...

Bouncy, bouncy, Unconscious Mutterings, bouncy, bouncy...
  1. Signature :: Fragrance
  2. Olympics :: Hype
  3. 100% :: Pure
  4. Damn! :: Magazine!
  5. Gold :: Medal
  6. Fresh and natural :: Meadow
  7. Fraction :: Denominator
  8. Hurry :: Up
  9. Summer :: Heat
  10. 29th :: Warrior
Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

Did you walk on carpet in the store or was it a hard surface?

yani said...

Don't worry, I'm not that silly... it was a wooden floor in the store...

Tom said...

Socks, it's all about the socks!

yani said...

Yeah, I need some new socks... my crappy New Balance shoes ate all my good ones... can you recommend something durable that isn't made with aerospace technology and doesn't cost as much as a small car? ;)

Tom said...

Well I have a couple of pairs of these and they are fantastic. I got them free... the benefits of running for charity! But they are in running shops for $15 or so... a lot for just one pair, but worth it. I can certainly feel the difference if I'm wearing plain socks as I land much harder.

yani said...

Yeah, I thought you were going to suggest something in a short sock... my feet/shoes always eat those and they bug me... I have bookmarked the "crew" version though, might have to look into getting a couple of pairs...