The Mystery of No Phone Call was solved yesterday... H-San emailed me about something else and at the end of the message asked me how the work was going... to which I replied that it wasn't because they'd never called the agency... so later on I got a call from the Ginger Ninja and it turned out that they'd just assumed that because I hadn't turned up I didn't want the job. And this was after they'd been told multiple times that they needed to call the agency! To top it off, you would think that when I didn't show up on Tuesday morning they would have called La Ninja to go "what the hell is going on?"... I know if it had been me I would have been doing that around 9:15 on Tuesday... but no, they just left it alone and, from the sounds of things, sulked about it.
You would think that people in finance would understand how commerce works and would not have been expecting to be able to "sort it all out" when I got there on Tuesday. It's not like you take a product home and THEN call the store and order it... *mutter* stoopid people *mutter*...
So now they're going to have to wait until the week after next, if they bother at all...
Current Mood:

What I don't get is, why do they ask you back each time when they have a problem, using an agency which will cost them many times more.
While if they would keep you under their own contract they would be out cheaper and you're always on hand. You said yourself they're in finance but don't understand commerce...
It's not because they have a "problem", it's because they have something that needs doing that they either don't have the expertise or the time or the staff to do themselves.
And while it's all one government department, I've worked for multiple units within that department (for example, this would actually be the first time I've worked for a finance unit), which each have their own budget (although all the money ultimately comes out of the same "pool")...
There are also any number of reasons why they don't employ me directly... one of which is that they would have to pay the agency a lump sum if they employed me within a fixed period of time after I was placed there by them (I think it's six months, but I could be wrong, it could be twelve or eighteen)... plus it's the government, so getting a job is never as simple as saying "we need him, let's have him"... there are way too many hoops that have to be jumped through (on both ends) before that can happen...
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