
random olympic hotness

Given my little rant on Monday, today's Random Hotness is about as "Olympic" as I'm going to get...

And that's only because it's as much about underwear as it is about an Olympic athlete... in this case, 21 year old swimmer, Eamon Sullivan, who has probably had more press coverage about his failed relationship and this shoot for Davenport underwear (which is where these shots come from, obviously) than about his swimming...

Which is kind of sad, but about par for the course really...

I'm not really sure about the jumping though...

eamon sullivan in davenport undieseamon sullivan in davenport undies

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Sending mixed messages with the jumping. It's almost "Oh what a feeling, Toyota". :P

yani said...

It's half "What a feeling" and half "What a wanker"... ;P