Although, for whatever reasons, maybe a less successful day as it wore on than last year...
After our usual Random Supermarket Adventures™, where I wasn't accosted by strange men again thankfully, we headed off in search of The Art...
First stop was some poxy little exhibition at somewhere in Prospect because the artist was somebody that Ma knows... or somebody that somebody that Ma knows knows... or something. Supposedly he's a priest... if he is a priest, he's one of those "priests"... because while Ma kept trying to tell me it was all about "classicism", to me it was all about doodle and spray painted tacky ornaments from Cheap As Chips... seriously, at least a couple of the things glued to a whole bunch of other things were actually tacky ornaments from somewhere that had been painted gold... and there were far to many male images going on too. Oh, and he'd done really bad versions of a montage too... really bad...
And that's before I even mention the "centerpiece" with two GI Joe dolls (I'm guessing, they were poseable male dolls anyway, like Ken but with moving limbs) spray painted gold and seeming to "do it Greek style"... "classicism" my ass...
Anyway, next up, we headed into town and the Museum for the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize... which was maybe a little different from last year, if only because there were actually a bunch more things I really liked this time around...
The image up on the right contains just some of the faves... and mostly they're not even the full shot, just enough to give you a taste... but once again I included the two images Ma and I chose as the People's Choice Winner... and I have to say that it seemed a LOT harder to pick something this year. From the top, we have Tasmanian Wedgetail Eagle by Daniel Byron Szczerba (Ma's pick of People's Choice), Dreaming of Water - Murray Mandala by Janine Mackintosh, Dancer of the Deep by Mill Mackay, I Pass Unhindered by Jason Cordero (my People's Choice pick) and Dance of Seduction - Lyrebird by Glenys Buzza...
Actually both Ma and I were going backwards and forwards on our choices... we both really loved the Wedgetail Eagle, the photo REALLY doesn't do it justice, it was so very touchable (which was annoying because there was a "Do Not Touch" sign on it), and if Ma had gone with her other choice I was going to go with the Eagle... but I also really liked the Unhindered piece... again, the photo doesn't do it justice, it was massive and really gorgeous... as was the Mandala... what you can't tell from the photo is that it's actually individual leaves... it's not a painting, the artist sat down and sewed every single leaf into position... stunning!
But I could go on and on and on for ages... so I won't... except to say that painting a giant canvas sky blue and then entering it into a competition does not make it art... neither does charging $1800 for it... especially when it was "created" by two people... how does that need two people... seriously???
Our next stop was the Art Gallery, since they supposedly had a SALA exhibit on too... which was pretty much a waste of time, since it didn't seem to be a lot of stuff that we hadn't seen before...
Then, like last year, we headed over to Adelaide Arcade to look at their stuff... which actually seemed to be much less interesting than last year... or else there was just less of it... or else, you know, there was less of it AND it was less interesting... but we still wandered around and looked at everything anyway...
And that was about it really... we wandered around town for a little bit longer, than went back to the car and kinda drove around aimlessly for a bit... partly because we were both hungry and the weather was all questionable and neither of us really wanted to walk around much more... actually I think we both just needed a proverbial cookie... instead of driving miles away we ended up going to a "Drive-Thru" pie shop... I kid you not... I'm pretty sure the place used to be a Hungry Jacks (Burger King) or something, and it still has the drive thru window... but instead of closing it up, they decided to open a drive thru pie shop... it's just WRONG I tells ya!
Unsurprisingly, we didn't "drive thru"... we went into the store. I'd just like to know who told the woman behind the counter she could cut my Custard Berliner in half... what's up with that?
That was about it though... we stopped off briefly at Arndale on the way home, did our usual thing of looking at too many DVDs...
So not a thrilling day, but not bad...
Current Mood:

Yani, do you have facebook? I wanna be friends with ya!
I indeed do not... besides, I prefer to keep my "online life" and my "real life" separate... and there would be too much blending of too many lines... :P
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