
teevee meme

Since I was rambling about teevee stuff yesterday, I thought a teevee themed meme was somewhat appropriate.
  1. Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid
  2. Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would... (Well, It’s Self-Explanatory)
  3. Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won’t Forget)
  4. “Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs”: 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart
    • Teardrop (Massive Attack) from House (Season 1)
    • Thank You For Being A Friend (Cynthia Fee) from Golden Girls (it's cheesy, but it's a big old nostalgia feel good moment)
    • Angel Theme (Darling Violetta) from Angel
    • Goodie Goodie Yum Yum (Goodies) from (unsurprisingly) The Goodies
    • Smurf Theme Song from The Smurfs (la la la la la la la la la la... doesn't really work as text does it...)

  5. Eh: 5 Shows You Just Can’t Get Into
  6. This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out Of Here: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without
    • Jack, Lost (yes, I know he's a main character, but he annoys me)
    • Illyria, Angel (that was about the point where Angel jumped the shark)
    • Mandy, The West Wing (thankfully she disappeared after the first season)
    • Duncan Kane, Veronica Mars (another major character, but just very vanilla)
    • Cassie, Skins (I liked her in Season 1, but she's annoying me in Season 2)

  7. That’s What She Said: 5 Quotes That Still Resonate
    • I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like, if I'm old and blue-haired and I turn the corner in Istanbul and there you are, I won't be surprised. Because... you're with me... you know? - Willow, Buffy
    • This guy's walking down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep, he can't get out. A doctor passes by, and the guy shouts up, "Hey you, can you help me out?" The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a priest comes along, and the guy shouts up "Father, I'm down in this hole, can you help me out?" The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a friend walks by. "Hey Joe, it's me, can you help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole. Our guy says, "Are you stupid? Now we're both down here." The friend says, "Yeah, but I've been down here before, and I know the way out." - Leo McGarry, The West Wing
    • Unrequited love. It's fantastic, 'cause it never has to change, it never has to grow up and it never has to die! - Vince Tyler, Queer as Folk
    • When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that you find someone to carry you. - Tracy, Firefly
    • Wow. Been a long while since I met one who didn't know me. - Buffy, Buffy

  8. Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

Metal Mickey went for four years? Although I remember watching the show as a kid it's one I've never looked up before on the Internet. I have to YouTube and see if I can find that catchy theme song.

But I suspect Metal Mickey is not going to be as realistic a robot as I recall...

yani said...

If memory serves, British teevee seasons only consist of about 12-15 episodes a year, so even if it did run over four years, that's still only about 50-60 episodes.

I actually don't remember the Metal Mickey theme song at all, the only thing I kind of remember is the name "Stumblebum", and a vague memory of Mickey having big ears. I know what you mean about the realism thing... I would imagine it's going to very obviously be a dude in a suit...

Victor said...

I am amazed. You can remember dialogue from television shows!

yani said...

I can occasionally quote whole scenes... however in this particular case I used a little something called "the internet" to look up the specific quotes I was thinking of :P