It's Montage time again... this time, obviously, it's from Show Day! And it's actually a pretty good overall picture of our day at the show... lots of animals, a brief trip to the showbag hall, keeping the minimum safe distance from all the rides. And that's Ma holding the baby chicken in the middle there...
And it's all over for another year now...
In pretty much unrelated news, this morning seems to have been "old home week" or something... while I was out on my walk I passed one of the guys I used to work with... twice... once on one side of the river and then again on the other side as we both circled around. I didn't actually realise it was him the first time... I checked him out (like you do) and went... "hmmm you look familiar", but it was only when he was actually going past me that I thought... "hang on, that's YOU!"... and so I turned around to double-triple check... and he turned too (because obviously he had done the exact same thing) and we ended up waving and whatnot... then on the flipside I actually spoke to him... briefly, because neither of us stopped and he was with some random woman... and he was obviously working hard with the jogging because he couldn't jog and hold a conversation at the same time.
Anyway, when I got home J messaged me on MSN... which is the first time we've actually had a conversation since I reinstalled MSN after all that drama... although granted, it's also the first time we've had any kind of random conversation since about May. Allegedly he's back around or just after Christmas... but I think he said that last Christmas and it just never happened, so we'll see.
Our conversation went pretty much the same way it always goes on MSN...
Him: How's life?
Me: Long story, mostly dull... you?
Him: Crap... some boy story, some work thing...
That's not word for word obviously, just a rough overview...
He is one of those people that no matter how long it's been since we last saw each other in the flesh, or spoke online, or whatever we can just pick up exactly where we left off. Which is good.
He did happen to mention that he'd seen Lord of the Rings... THE MUSICAL! Yes, some psycho in London decided that LOTR needed to be set to music and with singing... and jumping orcs... and Ents on really, really big stilt things... I have no idea how long the all singing and all dancing goes on for (although less than five and a half hours otherwise they couldn't do two shows on Saturdays)... but seriously... singing Hobbits... I ask you!
The weather yesterday was APPALLING! Rain and cloud and wind and whatnot... it might as well have been Winter again. Climate change indeed! And the randomness of weather continues this week... it's supposed to be 27 tomorrow... then rain again... before it returns to about 25 on Saturday... *sigh*
But I've resorted to blogging about the weather... so it's time to go...
Current Mood:

What's wrong with blogging about the weather? I do it every other post! ;)
Yes but when you do it it's either cute or intentional or both... when I do it it just means I've run out of ACTUAL content... ;)
LOL! That's because I never have any actual content!
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