You just have to shake your head, roll your eyes and give a slight smile at the inner mental workings of some of your fellow human animals...
I dropped the rolls of film in from Fox's shoot this morning... which all worked out fine... although as a brief aside I never even made it to the counter... the blonde guy who works there was fiddling around in main part of the shop and just held his hands out for my films before I got more than a couple of steps into the store and asked if I wanted two sets and a CD (which has pretty much been my default request for a lot of the time I've been going there)... even though I've put maybe four or five films in over the past two years (although before that it was somewhere in the realm of over 110 films), he still remembers. Bless!
That would be the upside of the "Cheers Syndrome"... you know... going somewhere where everybody knows your name. It's nice, even if I haven't been throwing them any business for quite a while.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there... because I got a phone call from Fox a little bit ago, and his brain had obviously been doing some random grinding during the hours since I left.
The original arrangement was that I would drop the films in today, pick them up tomorrow and then probably see Fox next weekend and give him his copies and the CD, blah blah blah. And he's a little twitchy about some of the nude shots... which I knew... so I'm not going to end up with a full set of prints, just the "approved" shots. Which is fine, I don't have a problem with that. But like I said, he's obviously been thinking and realised that I would have the disc and photos in my possession for about five days before he saw them.
So now he wants to be with me when I pick them up.
He made it sound nice and pleasant and "I'll take you out for coffee or dinner or something at the same time"... but the short version is he had second thoughts about trusting me with the shots between times and has now engineered this whole scenario so he doesn't have a full on panic attack in the meantime.
I get it... I do... but by the same token in a town the size of Adelaide I couldn't get away with any kind of misbehaviour around my photography... I'd just need to fuck up with one person and my name would be mud. Hell, for all I know my name is already mud (although not because I've actually misbehaved).
So I do believe that when we pick up the photos and do whatever else it is we're going to do on Thursday night I'm going to call him on it. Not in a nasty way, just in a "I know exactly what you were up to" way.
On the downside it means that I don't get to see the photos until Thursday night, which is a pain in the butt (although I'm sure I could drop in tomorrow and take a look at them anyway, then leave them there to be picked up Thursday... but that just sounds too much like actual hard work for me to be bothered even trying), because, as always I'm VERY eager to see what the results of the shoot were. And not that I had any kind of plan happening for Thursday, but now I've got a whole world of stuff to do (okay, slight exaggeration, but still)... and I'll need to make sure the house looks halfway decent before then, because I'm sure we'll end up here at some point (being in the neighbourhood and all... plus I'm not parking the car anywhere else when I can just leave it here).
On the upside it does save me from having to find the money to pay for the processing before Fox pays me... he can just pay for it himself on Thursday night.
Men! Can't live with them... can't bludgeon them to death and bury them in a shallow grave in scrubby bushland... *rolls eyes*
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