
shiver me timbers

talk like a pirate day 2007It be time once again for that most scurvy o' days... Talk Like A Pirate Day... Yarrrrr!

Cap'n Benjamin Bloodbeard (me Pirate Name o' the day) orders ye to spend the rest o' the day annoying friends and shipmates with inappropriate pirate lingo!

Alternatively ye could be seein' how me blog looks translated into Pirate Speak...

Or play a rousin' game o' POTC Interactive (think Rocky Horror Audience Participation)...

But fer now let's be seein' what kind o' pirate I be!

You are The Quartermaster

You, me hearty, are a man or woman of action! And what action it is! Gruesome, awful, delightful action.

You mete out punishment to friend and foe alike – well, mostly to foe, because your burning inner rage isn’t likely to draw you a whole lot of the former. Still, though you may be what today is called "high maintenance" and in the past was called "bat-shit crazy", the crew likes to have you around because in a pinch your maniacal combat prowess may be the only thing that saves them from Jack Ketch.

When not in a pinch, the rest of the crew will goad you into berserker mode because it's just kind of fun to watch. So you provide a double service – doling out discipline AND entertainment.

What's Yer Inner Pirate?

And on that note, the only thing left to say is... YHHABOR!

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Arrrrrr, you got t'wrong day there matie... t'is Sat'day in Orstray'a, so as best t'get pissed :) Yaaaarrrrr!

yani said...

No, I got th' date right... I choose t' completely ignore th' work o' fer reasons that I outlined last year... :)