- Does someone love you?
I'm sure at least one person on the planet does. - Do you know anyone named Dave?
Currently, no... I used to though. - Ever kissed anyone with the name starting with a J?
I'm sure I probably have on various occasions... whether I knew their names started with a J or not at the time is anybody's guess... the only one who springs to mind is my buddy J... but not in a full on "kiss" kind of way, just a cheek peck. - Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?
Er, no. - What colour are the walls of your parent's bedroom?
Ma's walls are like "not quite white, white"... throughout the whole house actually - Do you think that hair extensions look skanky?
Depends on the extensions and what skank is wearing them. - Are you named after a grandparent?
Like both Tom and Euphoric before me my middle name comes from my (maternal) grandfather... actually it was his middle name too, but he used it instead of his first name for reasons that escape me right at the moment. - Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?
Does caffine count as a drug? - Are you taller than 5'6"?
Yes indeed, by at least five inches... more if I'm in shoes. - Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
Not that I'm aware of. - Ever see a dead body?
In the flesh, no. - Do you like the colour green?
Yeah... it's nice... probably not in my top five, but I like it. - What is your best friend's Dad's name?
Hugh. - How old are you?
Firty free (unfortunately not firty free and a fird just for the alliteration). - Who was the last person to send you a text message?
That would be Ma, yesterday, to tell me she was on the way down. - Ever drove into the ghetto to buy drugs?
Honey, I was born in the ghetto... okay, not really... so that would be a no. - Last restaurant you went to?
Ummmm... last actual restaurant... ummmmmm... you know something, I don't remember... - What is the weather like today?
Greyish, cold, shitty (okay, technically as the day progresses it's becoming less and less... but it's still cold). - Last voice mail you received?
Not sure on that one either... probably Ma, but who knows. - What did you do yesterday?
Shopping! - What's the first thing you would do with five million dollars?
Move the fuck out of this dumbass, piece of shit, gone downhill never to return, please just give me a semiautomatic weapon and lots of bullets apartment building! Even if it meant staying in a cool serviced apartment somewhere and putting all my furniture in storage while I bought/built the house/apartment of my dreams. After that there would be time for investment and blah blah blah. - What nationalities are you?
Half English, half Australian if you want to get technical. - How many hours did you sleep for last night?
I think somewhere around five and a half... maybe six, I'm not sure. - Any upcoming concerts you want to attend?
Nup. - Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you?
I don't think I've ever been stalked... even, you know, in that funny way. - Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Er, no. Once, almost, kinda.... but no. - What jewellery are you wearing?
Just my ear piercing and my Livestrong braclet, same as always. - If all of your friends were going on a road trip, would you?
I don't have the kind of friends who do road trips... at least not anymore. - How much money do you have?
None... next question. - Do you swear at your parents?
Oh hell yes... - Is your phone right beside you?
Nope... all my phones are on the kitchen bench in the other room. - Have you cried today?
Being that it's only half ten in the morning and I haven't really done anything yet, that would be a no. - Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
Doubtful. - Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
Nup. - What is the colour of your bedsheets?
Right this minute I have on my red, pink, orange and yellow gradiated quiltcover with the dark purple fitted sheet and the matching gradiated and purple pillowcases (two of each), plus the sky blue cover on my "body pillow"... but I'll be changing the whole lot tomorrow, being the first of the month and all. - Have you ever crawled through a window?
Most probably... although I can't think of a particular incident right this second. - Are you photogenic?
Oh hell no. - What's your star sign?
Pisces (I seem to be saying that a lot today). - Where do you spend most of your money?
When I actually have money, I would say it would be bookstores and DVD retailers (while I do have particular stores I frequent, I'm not that fussy). - What was the last thing you did?
Other than sitting in from of my computer for the last *mumble mumble* hours? Well, I did make breakfast earlier... and I might be due another glass of Iced Coffee shortly... - Do you have a tattoo?
Yes I do... and funnily enough, I was only thinking last night that if I had it to do over again I would have done something MUCH bigger and grander, taken up the full width of my spindly arms... not played it so safe, you know... not that I don't like my tattoo... it's just what you know as you get older... ya know? - Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
I try to... well, not everything (coz there's a lot of really, really crap STC action out there), but I loves me some Kim Possible... but since Ma and I are off, out and away by Sparrow Fart O'Clock most Saturdays I don't really get time. - Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?
There are lots and lots and lots of secrets that I've never told any of my friends... - Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn't mean it?
Yeah, kinda... but it was more a slip of the tongue than anything else. - Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
Not that I can remember... although I'm sure I did it when I was little. - What are you doing in 2008?
Lord knows. - What is your ring tone?
For when Ma rings it's Tom Jone's version of "She's A Lady" from the Miss Congeniality soundtrack and for everybody else it's *NSYNC's "Pop"... I know... too gay. - What were you doing at 2am last night?
I'll take "Sleeping" for $200 thanks Alex! - Are your parents married/divorced/separated?
Very, very, very, very divorced. - What are you doing tonight?
Watching American's Next Top Model and probably CSI. - What are you doing tomorrow?
Who knows... it's a pubic holiday, so nothing interesting is open, and it's the beginning of the school holidays so my building will be full of evil demon rat children... depends on the weather I guess. - Who did you last message on Myspace?
That would be... NOBODY... don't do Myspace or Facebook or Facespace or Mybook or any of that garbage. - What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
I have no problem with it... well... maybe one problem... I don't get enough of it. - Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never do?
FUCK YES! It's right up there in my list of Top Ten Pet Peeves. - What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?
Nothing, ever. - Favourite Disney movie?
Lilo & Stitch. - What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
A cut down version of this...
Current Mood:

I'm a bit of a wuss so I'd never a tattoo but my mum was told by my dad that she wasn't allowed to get one, so she went out right away, she's got the Chinese symbol of "rebellion" on her shoulder blade. My brother and sister both have a tattoo of the Superman logo just below the hemline of their knickers/boxers, in tribute to a friend who was 17 but committed suicide...
So what does yours mean?
My gf Nikki has a tattoo of a flower and it means femininity...
Technically it doesn't really mean anything from my perspective...
It's an ankh, obviously, so in the broader context it means life/eternal life, etc, depending on who you ask.
I have a thing about Ancient Egypt anyway, and it's always been a symbol I've just been drawn to, simple as that.
The reason it has that extra spike in the middle (which technically the ankh doesn't have) is to cover up the other smaller tattoo I had before this one.
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