But more on that in a second...
Nothing grand to report shopping-wise... although, for the record, MY FREEZER IS TOO FULL! Actually, to be honest, my whole teeny tiny fridge is a little overstuffed right at this precise moment in time... *sigh*... and I have a freezer full of frozen leftovers and a fridge full of stuff to make new stuff and no room in the freezer to add any leftovers when I make new stuff... which I will have to do at some point this week... *grrrrrrrr*.
Moving on now...
I'm a wee bit cranky for other reasons too I must admit... maybe less so than I was earlier, but I must have slept funny last night because the bottom part of my shoulder is kinda sore, and every time I turn my head I get a twinge down the bottom of my shoulder blade... so less good overall, especially given the amount of stuff we did today involving turning of the head.
After we got back from shopping I was flicking through part of the paper and saw an ad for some random homewares place that was closing down and selling off a bunch of their stuff (whoops, I should drop in a plug really shouldn't I, even though I've never heard of them before and they're about to close... Georges of Norwood)... and they had those Chopper Machine things... you know, it's like... well, it's not really like anything (although Tupperware does/did a version)... except maybe some medieval instrument of torture... but they had been $40 and they were selling them at $16 for 2... so, you know, bargain!
We did happen to get lost however... well, it was "of Norwood", so we (okay... I) just assumed it was on The Parade... but alas, no... Kensington Road. We did find it eventually though, after a brief detour and wander up and down The Parade. It was a pretty nice shop actually... still full of a lot of VERY nice but VERY expensive things (but you expect that in the Norwood area really) but Ma and I managed to find some nice bits and pieces, including said Chopper Machines...
Then we headed into the city to go and see the Freestyle: new Australian design for living exhibition at the Art Gallery. Now, I'm all about the design... I like me some nice stuff stylishly made, so this was a really impressive exhibition.
Among my personal faves had to be Jon Goulder's furniture (particularly the stacking stool/table/shelves he's holding in the main part of the photo up there), the Crumpler satchels (although to be honest I've been in love with their Barney Rustle Blanket bag for AGES, at least from a design standpoint), the Preston Zly shoes and the Stop Playing With Yourself chair/art object/jigsaw puzzle from the boys at Schamburg + Alvisse (although I like a lot of their other stuff too)... oh and a lot of the stuff from F!NK & Co (although their website seems to redirect somewhere else which isn't good)...
We actually arrived just in time for the tour, which was somewhat interesting... it ended up being just me and Ma a couple of times, but there was this guy and girl who would stay with us for a bit then wander off. Once the tour was over we went back to the beginning and looked at everything ourselves (since the tour was only selected pieces).
As usual, Adelaide is the last stop for the exhibition, but it's running here until about the middle of October, and it's probably worth a look.
After that we wandered around the city for a bit... trying in vain to actually find a functional Adelaide Bank ATM... every other kind of ATM we were tripping over multiple versions of... the one closest to the Mall was closed and we couldn't find another one anywhere in the Mall... so we ended up having to go two streets over. For shame, Adelaide Bank, for shame!
Oh... *blush*... whoops... I just took a closer look at their website, and there was a least one other ATM in the Mall... not that far away from where we were actually... never mind then... carry on... as you were...
Then once the ATM excitement was over with we stopped off at Gourmet Glaze Doughnuts (their website needs a little work... it's pretty, but it doesn't tell you a damn thing)... we only had the "original glaze" type, but they weren't bad actually.
And then home again, home again, jiggity jig...
Now I think I'm going to go and make some sort of mostly mushroom pizza since I picked up a cheap bag of lots and lots and lots of little mushrooms earlier (and for the record, shut up Tom)...
Current Mood:

1 comment:
We love Crumpler bags. We have two. :)
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