I took myself off to the Botanic Gardens this morning... the day was bright and sunny, my apartment was still freezing cold (which is both a plus and a drawback of this place... it takes a while to heat up... and cool down... and, well, anything really), so "out" was the appropriate place to be. I'd actually taken myself off there last week just for some peace and quite so I could read my book... but I didn't take my camera. This time I took both book and camera... and a bottle of water and a couple of pieces of fruit. Turns out that a least three school groups and one group of Old Aged Pensioners had had the same idea... but I had my earphones in so none of that really bothered me.
Also coming under the heading of "today's a good day to spend time in the Botanic Gardens" was Keith Conlon and the crew from Postcards... so obviously something is going to pop up on their show in the next couple of weeks.
Going back to the little spider for a second though... and when I say little, I do mean little... the thing he's sitting on was probably about the same size as the first joint in my little finger... and it was only after I saw him on my camera screen that I realised he was there (and I had to go back again to get a second shot when the first shot had him out of focus).
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