
random brewer hotness

Let's jump in the Wayback Machine and go back to 1992 for today's Random Hotness...

I'm fresh out of high school, Bill Clinton becomes President of the US, Whitney Houston screeches an old Dolly Parton tune in The Bodyguard, Madonna releases Erotica and 19 year old twins, Keith and Derek Brewer (aka the Brewer Twins... highly original, that!) are photographed naked by Bruce Weber...

Sometimes it's just nice to take a wander through days of yore...

Or we could wander if I hadn't received a Blogger takedown notice... oh well... you can probably still google "Brewer Twins naked".

Current Mood:


Anonymous said...

Are there any current photos of the twins??

yani said...

I'm sure there are lots of them... some of them could probably be found on their website... which I linked to...

Earwig said...

Back in those days I had copies of some of those shots and I remember fondly daydreaming over them. Well, I think it was daydreaming ...