
all a bit blah really

blue on blue 2007For the record, the photo has pretty much no connection with this post... it's actually from last Sunday's adventures... just a colour study of sea and sky...

Nothing much of anything happened today... well, that's not really true... it just feels like it should be true.

Like I said yesterday Ma was away until this morning, so since we had some time to kill before the supermarket and whatnot opened, we went and had breakfast at a place near me. Lord it was a trial and a tribulation...

In general, I'm not big on eating breakfast out like that... and I think I know why now... it just takes FOREVER. Seriously... from when we sat down, to the time we got our meals, it was an HOUR. And I know it was Father's Day and all, but they were NOT that busy... it was just like pulling teeth. Either fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your viewpoint, it wasn't just our food that took forever in coming out to the table, they were really slow with everybody's food... however, they did manage to forget to bring me out my orange juice, and the glass of hot water Ma asked for (don't ask... I don't get it either) just never arrived. S-L-A-C-K!

I mean, c'mon... half an hour, maybe... but a whole hour? And it's not like there were that many different things on the menu... how hard is it to cook some egg, a sausage, some bacon, a few mushrooms and a couple of pieces of toast? Yes, when it arrived it was actually very nice... but not an hour's worth of nice. Pffffffft!

Suffice to say, we won't be going there again any time soon (or at all if I have my way).

In a way it was lucky that it did take that long though, since by the time we got down to the supermarket they were only just opening... but to put it in perspective... it actually took us longer to do all our shopping and browsing and whatnot than it did to wait for our breakfast and eat it. I hate crap service... I really do.

I don't know if it was the slow start thing with breakfast or what... but neither of us were really in that much of a mood to do stuff... we went into town and wandered around the Rundle Street Markets which, I have to say, are looking a little anemic... whether it's the move to Sundays, or just a natural drop off over time, I don't know... but there didn't seem to be very much of anything going on.

We had planned to stop by the Bald Archy exhibition... but when we got there we realised they actually wanted an admission fee, and since we'd only been stopping by to have a peek since it was the first time it's hit South Australia we decided against.

So after that we were kind of at a loose end... and ended up wandering around the city for a little bit before heading back here... and now I'm a little overtired, overheated and over it... but then, that could just be because I only had five hours sleep last night...


Current Mood:


Tom said...

LOL! That's the whole point of breakfast out... long, slow, relaxed, drink coffee & OJ and read the papers, frittering away most of Sunday morning! It's great! But yeah, a bit shit when you're in a hurry I suppose!

yani said...

Yeah, I get the long, slow, relaxed thing... but it should have been our choice to be slow and relaxed, not forced to wait an hour for our food... there's relaxed and then there's just shithouse service.