First thing you did this morning
My brain usually runs completely on autopilot in the mornings, but I think that after switching off my alarm and getting out of bed, the first thing I did was put on my walking teeshirt.
Last thing you ate and drank
A homemade ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato roll (wholemeal with mayo) and a Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee. Actually I'm still in the process of eating/drinking.
Do you have anything bothering you
Yeah, a ton of stuff, but nothing really worth going into.
What’s annoying you right now
The fact that I may have to go all the way back to Arndale because the case of the DVD I bought (3 disc edition of The Frighteners for the low, low price of $9.92) at EzyDVD is cracked, and while I could just call them, get them to put another one to one side for me and pick it up on Saturday, I wanna watch it TODAY!
Do you support long distance relationships
So, what, you're asking if I'm going to show up at the Long Distance Relationship Pride march? The short answer is probably "no"... having made vague attempts at the idea in the past I just don't think that they honestly work.
Is there a person who is on your mind right now
Funnily enough yes... this somewhat interesting guy I saw while I was at Arndale... could have been a 'mo... was kinda cute.
Do you think that that person is thinking of you too
Somehow I doubt it... although I did cruise him like three times (was it my fault he was still in the same place when I came back after like ten minutes and then that I needed to throw a U-turn to get into the shop I was headed for).
Where is the last place you went
See the earlier ramblings... Arndale.
Do you look like your mum or dad
Well everybody (and by that I mean complete and total strangers usually... most recently the woman who was serving up the Turkish gozleme at the Show last week) seem convinced that I look like Ma... and never having met the Paternal Parental Creature I have no idea if I look like him or not.
Do you smile often
It's not the natural default expression for my face... but yeah, I would say that I do, given appropriate cause.
Choose one to have - love, beauty, creativity
I'm going to be totally shallow and go "beauty"... I already have a fair amount of creativity, and I figure it would probably be easier to get the love with more of the beauty. Couldn't hurt, right?
Are you a friendly person
Ummmmmmmm.... If I like you, or you seem fairly harmless (small children who don't live in my building, little old ladies, etc) then sure. But only up to a point... then I stop caring usually.
What colour shirt are you wearing
Kind of a dark ruby red.
What were you doing at 9 last night
Watching the end of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl.
When is the last time you saw your dad
Never. I saw a photo once... does that count?
When was the last time you cried
Not a full on "cry" but I did get a little misty yesterday while watching the Director's Commentary on Finding Nemo... it's that fricken line of Dory's towards the end...
Do you get angry easily
Oh hell yes!
What were you thinking about before you went to sleep
Actually that would be the fact that the small demon spawn who live upstairs were clomping around like baby elephants after 10pm.
What song are you listening to right now
No fricken clue... it's FreshFM's "Back in the Day" program... ooooh... wait, song change, I know this one... this is "Swamp Thing" I think... yup, by "The Grid"... Ma used to LOVE this song... oh, and for the record, the first one was "Ecuador" by "Sash!". Have I mentioned I'm LOVING Fresh's "Back in the Day" shows? Too bad it only goes for an hour!
Rate life as of right now 1-10:
1 being "might as well be dead" and 10 being "perfection"? I'm thinking a nice solid 3.
Current Mood:

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