A completely unscheduled HCD too I have to say... I mean I've been thinking about it, but hadn't arranged anything... and I've been feeling that this week was, you know, the week for it... so I just called this morning and it turned out that Tink could fit me in about an hour later.
But of course, I thought I'd just read one more chapter of my book... which turned into two... which turned into three... I only left myself about half an hour to get into town. And if I'd been driving in that would be enough several times over, but I'd decided to walk (coz it's the cheapest possible form of transportation). Which was fine... except that I has halfway between overheated because of the walking and wearing a jacket... and freezing because it's chilly and cloudy out there and I kept taking the jacket off.
I also discovered that my walking shoes, which I've had for about a year and a half may be reaching their proverbial last legs (not a bad run, no pun intended, though... even if I pretty much only wear them in the morning). Not only was the left one making very weird noises as I was walking (which I normally don't hear thanks to my earphones), but I noticed that they've started to split along the shoe/sole line, again on the left shoe... so I'm gunna need to keep an eye out for a new pair. I actually wouldn't mind going to whatever the place is that has the machine that "reads" your feet... I've seen the commercial about a thousand times, but I can't think of the store name right now to save my life.
Anyway, I got to the hairdressers in time, did the shampooing thing (mmmm peppermint and tea tree oil shampoo... yum), then sat down to face the inevitable question... "So what are we doing today?"
And the short version of the answer was "I have no idea". I've been feeling like I need a new look, a new hairstyle, something... but I honestly have no idea what that new look/style would be. I've done a ton of different styles in my time, but once I find something that works I tend to stick with it for as long as humanly possible... until either circumstances, hairdresser or boredom triggers me to get something new.
So, of course, Tink went to get "the books"... which I never find particularly helpful... I do not, have never and will never look like the hair models in the books... so picking out a hairstyle that looks good on a hot model boy doesn't really mean it's going to look any good on me. Also, because I have the attention span of wet cardboard, I get distracted by all the pretty pretty in the book...
I did point out a few styles and go "You know, sorta that"... and then just let Tink go to town. This is the good thing about having a hairdresser you go to over and over and over and who you actually trust... you can just zone out and let them cut your hair however the hell they want. Actually, the most famous example of that with me was one day when I went in to see my previous girlie... and she said "I saw this guy when I was out last night and I want to do your hair just like that"... and I let her. I did get a little more information before we went any further, but not that much.
It didn't turn out too badly actually... today's haircut, not that one from years ago... although that one didn't turn out too badly either from memory. Today's effort is probably just a somewhat shorter and slightly altered version of what we usually do, although there is one bit that I'm really not sure about...
Tink cut the very front row of my fringe off at about an inch, but the next row back is about two inches... so I've ended up with this little "step" at the front. Granted if you don't know it's there, then you probably wouldn't even notice it (oh lord I hope so), and once I've washed it and styled it myself tomorrow it might be okay... but I don't think we'll be doing that again next time... but overall it's not bad... it might just need a little refinement, some more texturing... we'll see.
After that I just kind of wandered around aimlessly for a bit, grabbed some lunch, wandered some more then came home.
Current Mood:

It's the Athlete's Foot which has the machine things you walk on.... I thought they were quite good, but then went to see a running shoe expert in a little independent place - he videoed me running in about 30 pairs of shoes over an hour to find the right ones - turns out the Athlete's Foot ones were a load of junk, and more expensive too. :)
THAT'S the one!
And I didn't really have any intention of actually BUYING the shoes that they recommended... I just wanted to know what it is my feet do, then take said information and go and buy much less expensive shoes somewhere else ;)
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